[MITgcm-support] parallel running

Mahdi Mohammadi mahdiaragh at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 16 19:26:15 EDT 2011

I have just started to use MITgcm. I did not manage to run parralel. I tried to 
run DOME test case, but I got an error that says, there is an undefained 
reference to gforton. It is strange, because my compiler is ifort11.1, and for 

I selected (ifort11-ia32&mpi&generic). I set root directory of netCDF and mpi in 
.bashrc, and did not edit optfile. How can I be sure what I have done is 
correct? Is there any sample for optfile? Do you have any idea about my problem?

Many thanks in advance and best Regards,
mahdi Mohammadi-Aragh
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