[MITgcm-support] Ferrari et al. 2010 BVP method for GM

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Fri Feb 4 10:12:25 EST 2011

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for sending this.
And sorry for not getting back to you earlier.

I had a look at the modified and new source code you sent.
I have a question regading the speed "c" computation:
You coded 2 evaluations, corresponding to the 2 locations
at U and V point. I would have tried to do the vertical
integral only once, at the center, and then do a horizontal
average to put it at the U and V point. 
Did you try this 2nd method (and decided for the 1rst one based
on some numerical test) or did you only code it the way it
is ?

Thanks again,

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 01:18:53PM -0700, Christopher L. Wolfe wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've implemented the boundary value method for calculating the GM eddy streamfunction as described in Ferrari et al. (Ocean Modell. 2010). I find that it produces much smoother GM overturning streamfunctions and has better interaction with unstratified regions than plain GM. The implementation introduces two new source files: gmredi_calc_psi_bvp.F solves the boundary value problem using solve_tridiagonal_W.F, which is simply solve_tridiagonal.F modified to work on W-levels.
> I've included diffs which may be used to patch gmredi_calc_tensor.F, gmredi_check.F, gmredi_diagnostics_init.F, GMREDI.h, and gmredi_readparms.F. The diffs are against checkpoint61z, but these files haven't changed in months or years, so the diffs should work against later checkpoints.
> The BV method can be turned on by #defining GM_BOLUS_BVP in GMREDI_OPTIONS.h or in your build file and setting GM_UseBVP = .TRUE. in data.gmredi. The BV method makes use of the advective form of GM, so GM_BOLUS_ADVEC must also be #defined and GM_AdvForm = .TRUE. set in data.gmredi.
> Turning on the BV method introduces the parameters GM_BVP_ModeNumber and GM_BVP_cMin to data.gmredi and the diagnostics GM_BVPcW and GM_BVPcS, which are the WKB internal wave speeds calculated at W and S points.
> If anyone has any questions or comments on the implementation, don't hesitate to contact me.
> Cheers,
> Christopher
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Christopher L. Wolfe              	   858-534-4560
> Climate, Atmospheric Science, and Physical Oceanography
> Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD  clwolfe at ucsd.edu
> -----------------------------------------------------------

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