[MITgcm-support] exf_interp

Georges Djoumna gdjoumna at math.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 4 16:39:08 EST 2010

Happy new year to all!

Hi Dimitris,

I don't understand quite well your sentence " for ex_interp, you need  
to provide input forcing fields on a regular latitude/longitude".  
Does exf_interp work only in the latitude- longitude framework? I  
have observation at three points in a Cartesian grid (I also have  
their latitude/longitude coordinate) I'm using a regular Cartesian  
grid in the data file. My understanding is that I have to convert the  
Cartesian grid into the latitude/longitude, am I right?

How to set a value for  forcing_lon0 (vstress_lon0)? are there some  
rules to follow?


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