[MITgcm-support] Bulk Force and SSS restoring

Holly Dail hdail at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 22 13:22:26 EST 2010

Martin -

In my experience, when using EXF it is not necessary to set  
externForcingPeriod or externForcingCycle in the data file.   The  
data.exf repeatPeriod and field specific periods (e.g. atempperiod)  
seem sufficient:

  exf_albedo        = 0.15,
  exf_iprec         = 32,
  exf_yftype        = 'RL',
  useExfYearlyFields= .FALSE.,
  twoDigitYear      = .FALSE.,
  useExfCheckRange  = .FALSE.,
  repeatPeriod      = 31104000.,
  atempfile         = 'RG_tmp2m06',
  atempstartdate1   = 20010101,
  atempstartdate2   = 060000,
  atempperiod       = 21600.0,


On Feb 18, 2010, at Feb 18 , 1:57 AM, Martin Losch wrote:

> Hi Amato,
> On Feb 17, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Amato Evan wrote:
>>> In exf, you can specify wind (or stress), lwdown, swdown,  
>>> humidity, surface air temperature, precipitation (and with an  
>>> additional flag, also evaporation), or net lwflux and net swflux  
>>> (depends on the CPP-flags, see EXF_OPTIONS.h for more details).
>> This is what I am doing (u & v stress, lw down, sw down, air q &  
>> temp). I'd like to leave off precip and just restore to SSS since  
>> this is how I spun up the model to begin with (using "external  
>> fields load").
> when you define EXF_READ_EVAP in EXF_OPTIONS.h, you can read both  
> precipitation and evaporation with exf. If you then do not specify  
> input files both fields (precip and evap) will be zero, so no FW  
> flux. with
> you can read SSS for restoring (the restoring time scale set in  
> data, and not data.exf unfortunately. However, if I interpret the  
> most recent check-ins by Gael correctly, then this has just been  
> changed last night and you can now, after a cvs-update set  
> climsssTauRelax in data.exf, instead of tauSaltClimRelax in data.  
> Thank you, Gael, that was long overdue.
> What I don't know: Do I still need to set
> externForcingPeriod=2592000.,
> externForcingCycle=31104000.,
> or to some non-zero value in data to get periodic forcing, even with  
> exf, or has this been fixed, too?)
> M
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