[MITgcm-support] MITgcm help for

lucas lmm at noc.soton.ac.uk
Fri Feb 19 03:30:40 EST 2010

Hi David,

> I'm writing as a new user to request help in setting up MITgcm to
> model large scale oceanographic circulation.  I'm running a model
> based on the parameters provided under the 'tutorial baroclinic gyre'
> directory.  
> Specifically, I've been told that there's a parameter for surface heat
> fluxes that can be adjusted, but I don't see this parameter in the
> 'data' file (in the input directory).  Can I find this parameter to
> adjust it, and if so, where?  Thanks for your help.

The surface heat fluxes are prescribed by a file (2D data field). As you
have found the baroclinic gyre tutorial already, you probably also find
the "surface driven convection" example. This example shows you where to
include this file in the "data" file, and how to generate it. These data
files are in binary format. Pay attention to the endianess of the binary
files created (big endian regardless the platform by gendata.m in the
example, I believe) and the endianess of the platform and whether the
executable is compiled to swap this (in the build options file you

Hope this helps.


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