[MITgcm-support] mnc_filefreq

David Wang climater at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 12:30:01 EDT 2009

Hi there,

Very recently I started using  mnc_filefreq (mnc_filefreq = 31104000.)
in data.mnc in order to split monthly-mean mnc output on a yearly
basis (1 month = 30 days, 1 year = 360 days). It works pretty well in
general, except that December means are saved to the mnc output of the
next calendar year, not the present one. This is because, as I
figured, the code to start a new set of mnc output is BEFORE the model
I/O in forward_step.F:

         IF ( mnc_filefreq .GT. 0 ) THEN
           IF (DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE(mnc_filefreq,myTime,deltaTClock))
     &          THEN
             CALL MNC_CW_CITER_SETG( 1, 1, myIter, -1 , myThid )

So when the model comes to the end of a calendar year, it first starts
a new set of mnc output, then dumps the mean fields of the last month
of the year, which find themselves in the new output files.

I made an attempt to move the above code right after DO_THE_MODEL_IO
call, and became able to produce yearly mnc output in each of which
twelve monthly-mean records from January to December. I write this to
the mailing list just in case someone else cares, and if those in
charge see fit to make an update.


turn and live.

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