[MITgcm-support] How to search the MITgcm list

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Thu May 29 02:52:35 EDT 2008

thanks, that's really helpful.

I am still wondering what's wrong with the search page, though. The  
problem seems to be, that google cannot expand the alias mitgcm.org  
(which should expand to forge.csail.mit.edu, that's the name of the  
machine where the web pages of mitgcm live, but the computer or the  
name of this compute might change with time, whereas the domain name  
mitgcm.org should remain, that's why an alias is used):
When I type into google
netcdf site:http://forge.csail.mit.edu/pipermail/mitgcm-support/
I get about 475 hits for "netcdf", but for this
netcdf site:http://mitgcm.org/pipermail/mitgcm-support/
I get only 1 hit, although the actual pages are the same.

The html of the seach form looks like this:
       <form action="http://www.google.com/u/MITgcm" method=get>
	  <input type=hidden name=domains value="mitgcm.org">
	  <input type=hidden name=hq value="inurl:mitgcm.org/pipermail">
           <input name=q size=40 value="">
           <input type=submit value="Google Search" name="submit">

I wonder if there is a way to make google understand that mitgcm.org  
really is an alias that need to be expanded before searching.
Does anyone have an idea?


On 28 May 2008, at 21:28, Abbas Dorostkar wrote:

> Hi all,
> I thought this might be useful for everyone.
> I usually use Google search tool to browse the support list. Click on
> the advanced search option on the google page, put this link
> "http://forge.csail.mit.edu/pipermail/mitgcm-support/" in the "Search
> within a site or domain" box.
> In this way, we can search the list easily.
> Abbas
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