[MITgcm-support] netcdf with curvilinear grid

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Wed Jan 30 09:42:32 EST 2008

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:44:33 +0100 Martin Losch wrote:
> Can you make anything of this?

Hi Martin,

It sounds like you have a tile-topology issue.  The MNC package (and
thus all the netcdf output) gets the topology information by either
knowing that it is an "EXCH1" grid (where all the tiles are laid out in
a simple XY array) or it is an "EXCH2" grid where tile topology is
provided by the EXCH2 data structures.

If you run "ncdump -h ..." for one of the netcdf files, does it list a
number of global attributes that start with and "exch2_" string?  If it
does, then MNC thinks that you have an EXCH2 topology and that would
explain why fields are flipped, etc.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD  |  ed at eh3.com  |  http://eh3.com/
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