[MITgcm-support] RHO_2D problem

Matej Brecelj mbrecelj at fgg.uni-lj.si
Wed Dec 17 03:00:38 EST 2008

Dear all,

I'm trying to model Trieste bay in the Adriatic sea with MITgcm, to
compare it with two other models, that we already have at the University
of Ljubljana. It's 36 x 33 km, 25 m deep sea, open at one boundary. I'm
just beginning with the simulations, prepared the input files on the
basis of Baroclinic Gyre as it is described in the user manual.

For the first step (to get in touch) I'm trying just to run the model as
a lake (so everything closed), later I'd like to evolve it to equal it
with the other two models. I had some  difficulties to prepare basic
input data (I believe that's normal when someone is getting in touch
with new model), now it reads all the data normally, but it sends me out
an error saying:

FIND_RHO_2D: equationOfState = ""

It's not the part of the output, but it's printed on the screen
somewhere near the end of the output - couple of lines up or down... I'm
attaching the output, I'm a bit lost here. Hope that somebody can give
me a hint of which way to go...

Thanks and have a nice time,

Matej Brecelj

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