[MITgcm-support] Error: No. of processes not equal to nPx*nPy

Yuan Lian lian at email.arizona.edu
Thu Apr 17 00:14:26 EDT 2008

Try to run the code with sNx=90, sNy=20, nPx=1 and nPy=2. This might help.
I had problems to run codes when I used multiple processors in x direction.


Marcelo Barreiro wrote:
> Hello,
> I just downloaded the code using CVS, and I am trying to run
> verification/global_ocean.90x40x15 experiment using MPI (MPICH). 
> 1. I built an opt file for my machine with the libraries and compilers needed. 
> 2. In /build I did ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code -mpi
> -of=../../../tools/build_options/opt_chpc
> 3. make depend
> 4. make 
> 5. In input ./prepare.run
> 5. ln -s ../input/* .
> 6. Used Loadleveler to submit: llsubmit llsubmit.test 
> Everything goes well if I use one processor and the program runs. However, if
> I change the SIZE.h to try to use 2 processors (mpirun -np 2 ...) the program
> compiles just fine but won't run and gives the error message:
> S/R EEBOOT_MINIMAL: No. of processes not equal to nPx*nPy     1     2
> S/R EEBOOT_MINIMAL: No. of processes not equal to nPx*nPy     1     2
> The SIZE.h file I am using has
>      &           sNx =  45,
>      &           sNy =  40,
>      &           OLx =   2,
>      &           OLy =   2,
>      &           nSx =   1,
>      &           nSy =   1,
>      &           nPx =   2,
>      &           nPy =   1,
>      &           Nx  = sNx*nSx*nPx,
>      &           Ny  = sNy*nSy*nPy,
>      &           Nr  =  15)
> and eedata
>  nTx=1,
>  nTy=1,
>  usingMPI=.TRUE.,
>  &
> As far as I understand I am satisfying the condition nPx*nPy=np that is needed
> to run the code. But what am I missing? 
> Thanks for your help!
> Marcelo
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