[MITgcm-support] ploblem with a variable-grid global ocean circulation model

lianzhan at fio.org.cn lianzhan at fio.org.cn
Tue May 8 02:35:49 EDT 2007

Hi mitgcm,

I met a ploblem with a variable-grid global ocean circulation model. There are 546 grids in meridian direction,and 521 grids in latitudinal direction, as following. I seem to get noise in all the domain.

Is the grid suitable for the MITgcm? What do I need to modify?

That's all.Thanks for your help.

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>     0.9049    0.7893    0.6788    0.5752    0.4802    0.3956    0.3228    0.2630    0.2172    0.1862
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>     0.6788    0.7893    0.9049    1.0235    1.1432    1.2618    1.3774    1.4879    1.5915    1.6864
>     1.7710    1.8439    1.9037    1.9495    1.9805    1.9961    1.9961
># ====================
># | Model parameters |
># ====================
># Continuous equation parameters
> &PARM01
> tRef= 16.0 , 15.2 , 14.5 , 13.9 , 13.3 ,
>       12.4 , 11.3 ,  9.9 ,  8.4 ,  6.7 ,
>        5.2 ,  3.8 ,  2.9 ,  2.3 ,  1.8 ,
>        1.5 ,  1.1 ,  0.8 ,
> sRef= 34.65, 34.75, 34.82, 34.87, 34.90,
>       34.90, 34.86, 34.78, 34.69, 34.60,
>       34.58, 34.62, 34.68, 34.72, 34.73,
>       34.74, 34.73, 34.73,
> viscAz=1.E-4,
> viscAh=1.E4,
> viscAhGrid=2
> no_slip_sides=.FALSE.,
> no_slip_bottom=.TRUE.,
> diffKhT=1.E3,
> diffKzT=2.E-5,
> diffKhS=1.E3,
> diffKzS=2.E-5,
> tAlpha=2.E-4,
> sBeta =7.4E-4,
> gravity=9.81,
> rigidLid=.FALSE.,
> implicitFreeSurface=.TRUE.,
> useCDscheme=.TRUE.,
> useNHMTerms=.TRUE.,
> eosType='LINEAR',
> readBinaryPrec=32,
> tempStepping=.FALSE.,
> saltStepping=.FALSE.,
> implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
> implicitViscosity=.TRUE.,
># Elliptic solver parameters
> &PARM02
> cg2dMaxIters=1000,
> cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
> &
># Time stepping parameters
> &PARM03
> startTime=0,
> endTime=311040000,
># endTime=864000.,
> deltaTmom=60.0,
> tauCD=321428.,
> deltaTtracer=3600.0,
> deltaTClock =3600.0,
> cAdjFreq=0.,
> abEps=0.1,
> pChkptFreq=311040000.,
> chkptFreq=311040000.,
> dumpFreq=3600.0,
> tauThetaClimRelax=2592000.0,
> tauSaltClimRelax=2592000.0,
> monitorFreq=1.,
> &
># Gridding parameters
> &PARM04
> usingCartesianGrid=.FALSE.,
> usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
> delZ=4.,6.,10.,15.,23.,32.,48.,68.94,
>      88.1964,132.3541,216.3472,331.9537,
>      467.8573, 610.7548, 746.6584, 862.2648,
>      946.2580, 990.4156,
> phiMin=-80.,
># delY=160*1,
># delX=360*1,
>  delXfile='dx.bin',
>  delYfile='dy.bin',
> &
># Input datasets
> &PARM05
> hydrogThetaFile='temp.bin',
> hydrogSaltFile='salt.bin',
> bathyFile='biangrid.bin',
> hydrogSaltFile='salt.bin',
> bathyFile='biangrid.bin',
> zonalWindFile='fx.bin',
> meridWindFile='fy.bin',
> thetaClimFile='sst.bin',
> saltClimFile='sss.bin',
> &

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