[MITgcm-support] important changes to package "exf"

Patrick Heimbach heimbach at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 20 12:07:02 EDT 2007

Hi there,

we've made a few changes to the external forcing package "exf"
which affects the way you specify runtime parameters in
data.exf, data.exf_clim, data.pkg

Those changes came into effect yesterday,
and are as of checkpoint59.
They should not affect results, it's just restructuring.

A brief summary:

o data.pkg:
You now need to set runtime parameter
   useEXF = .TRUE.,
if you want to use exf

o data.exf_clim:
This file has been retired, corresponding parameters are
now set in data.exf

o data.exf:
We have split up the original namelist EXF_NML
into four namelists EXF_NML_01, ..., EXF_NML_04
Examples on how to use these are given in

The details of what goes into which namelist can be inferred
from routine exf_readparms.F

Sorry for the inconvenience
(but will be beneficial in the long term).


Dr Patrick Heimbach | heimbach at mit.edu | http://www.mit.edu/~heimbach
MIT | EAPS, 54-1518 | 77 Massachusetts Ave | Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
FON: +1-617-253-5259 | FAX: +1-617-253-4464 | SKYPE: patrick.heimbach

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