[MITgcm-support] viscosity and corners

Michael A. Spall mspall at whoi.edu
Mon Apr 9 14:10:38 EDT 2007

This is not directly an MITgcm question, but I have a postdoc who
is using a shallow water model on a c-grid and he is wondering how
to treat biharmonic (or Laplacian) viscosity terms at corners.  The
other boundary points are free-slip, and seem straighforward. 
For example, at the u-point adjacent to corner, what do you assume
for du/dy at the grid cell interface?  One u-point is in the interior of the
domain and the other needs to satisfy a no-normal flow condition at the 
yet if it does that it no longer is a free-slip boundary.  Does anyone have
a good reference for how this is done?  It must be written down somewhere.



Michael A. Spall
Department of Physical Oceanography
W.H.O.I. MS #21
360 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA   02543

mspall at whoi.edu
(508) 289-3342 (office)
(508) 457-2181 (fax)


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