[MITgcm-support] Re: pressure

chris hill cnh at mit.edu
Wed Sep 6 08:20:47 EDT 2006

Hi Bill,

  Using the diagnostics package you can request

  > PHIBOT   ocean bottom pressure / top. atmos geo-Potential
  > ETAN     Perturbation of Surface (pressure, height) (Pa,m)
  > PHIHYD   Hydrostatic (ocean) pressure / (atmos) geo-Potential

  or in an mnc pickup file there is a field labeled PHIHYD which
  is also the  Hydrostatic pressure Anomaly

  If you haven't used the diagnostics package before, below is a list of 
whats available -

> [MITgcm-support] diagnostics package
> Dimitris Menemenlis menemenlis at sbcglobal.net
> Mon Apr 11 18:58:28 EDT 2005
>     * Previous message: [MITgcm-support] diagnostics package
>     * Next message: [MITgcm-support] diagnostics package
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> Jeff, first time step you get a file called available_diagnostics.log, 
> attached, which contains the infor you're looking for.  D.
> -- 
> Dimitris Menemenlis <menemenlis at jpl.nasa.gov>
> Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
> MS 300-323, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena CA 91109-8099
> tel: 818-354-1656;  fax: 818-393-6720
> -------------- next part --------------
>  Total Nb of available Diagnostics: ndiagt= 311
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Num |<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<--  Units   -->|<- Tile (max=80c) 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    1 |UFLUX   |  1 |UM   002L1      |N/m2            |Zonal Wind Surface Stress  (N/m^2)
>    2 |VFLUX   |  1 |VM   001L1      |N/m2            |Meridional Wind Surface Stress  (N/m^2)
>    3 |HFLUX   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Sensible Heat Flux (pos.upwrd)  (W/m^2)
>    4 |EFLUX   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Latent   Heat Flux (pos.upwrd)  (W/m^2)
>    5 |QICE    |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Heat Conduction through Sea-Ice  (W/m^2)
>    6 |RADLWG  |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Net Upward   Longwave Flux at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>    7 |RADSWG  |  1 |SM P    L1      |watt/m2         |Net Downward Shortwave Flux at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>    8 |RI      | 15 |SM      LL      |non-dimensional |Richardson Number  (non-dimensional)
>    9 |CT      |  1 |SM      L1      |non-dimensional |Surface Drag Coef for Scalars (non-dimensional)
>   10 |CU      |  1 |SM      L1      |non-dimensional |Surface Drag Coef for Winds (non-dimensional)
>   11 |KM      | 15 |SM      LL      |m2/sec          |Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Momentum  (m^2/s)
>   12 |KH      | 15 |SM      LL      |m2/sec          |Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Scalars  (m^2/s)
>   13 |TURBU   | 15 |UM   014ML      |m/s/day         |Zonal Wind Tendency from Turbulence  (m/s/day)
>   14 |TURBV   | 15 |VM   013ML      |m/s/day         |Meridional Wind Tendency from Turbulence  (m/s/day)
>   15 |TURBT   | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency from Turbulence  (K/day)
>   16 |TURBQ   | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Specific Humidity Tendency from Turbulence  (g/kg/day)
>   17 |MOISTT  | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Moist Processes  (K/day)
>   18 |MOISTQ  | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Specific Humidity Tendency due to Moist Processes  (g/kg/day)
>   19 |RADLW   | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Longwave Radiation  (K/day)
>   20 |RADSW   | 15 |SM P    ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Shortwave Radiation  (K/day)
>   21 |PREACC  |  1 |SM P    L1      |mm/day          |Total Precipitation  (mm/day)
>   22 |PRECON  |  1 |SM P    L1      |mm/day          |Convective Precipitation  (mm/day)
>   23 |TUFLUX  | 15 |UM   024LL      |N/m2            |Turbulent Flux of Zonal Momentum  (N/m^2)
>   24 |TVFLUX  | 15 |VM   023LL      |N/m2            |Turbulent Flux of Meridional Momentum  (N/m^2)
>   25 |TTFLUX  | 15 |SM      LL      |watt/m2         |Turbulent Flux of Sensible Heat  (W/m^2)
>   26 |TQFLUX  | 15 |SM      LL      |watt/m2         |Turbulent Flux of Latent Heat  (W/m^2)
>   27 |CN      |  1 |SM      L1      |non-dimensional |Neutral Drag Coefficient  (non-dimensional)
>   28 |WINDS   |  1 |SM      L1      |m/sec           |Surface Wind Speed  (m/s)
>   29 |DTSRF   |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Air/Surface Virtual Temperature Difference  (deg K)
>   30 |TGROUND |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Ground Temperature  (deg K)
>   31 |TS      |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Surface Air Temperature  (deg K)
>   32 |DTG     |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Ground Temperature Adjustment (deg K)
>   33 |QG      |  1 |SM P    L1      |gram/kg         |Ground Specific Humidity  (g/kg)
>   34 |QS      |  1 |SM P    L1      |gram/kg         |Saturation Surface Specific Humidity  (g/kg)
>   35 |TGRLW   |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Ground Temperature used by LW Radiation  (deg K)
>   36 |LWGUP   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Upward Longwave Radiation at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>   37 |OLR     |  1 |SM      U1      |watt/m2         |Outgoing Longwave Radiation   (W/m^2)
>   38 |OLRCLR  |  1 |SM      U1      |watt/m2         |Clear Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation  (W/m^2)
>   39 |LWGCLR  |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Clear Sky Net Longwave Flux at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>   40 |LWCLR   | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Clear Sky Longwave Radiation Heating Rates  (K/day)
>   41 |TLW     | 15 |SM      ML      |K               |Temperature used by Radiation  (deg K)
>   42 |SHRAD   | 15 |SM P    ML      |gram/kg         |Specific Humidity used by Radiation  (g/kg)
>   43 |OZLW    | 15 |SM      ML      |non-dimensional |Ozone mixing ratio used by Longwave Radiation (non-dimensional)
>   44 |CLDRAS  | 15 |SM P    ML      |0-1             |Convective Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>   45 |CLDTOT  | 15 |SM P    ML      |0-1             |3-D Total Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>   46 |LWGDOWN |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Downward Longwave Radiation at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>   47 |GWDT    | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag  (K/day)
>   48 |RADSWT  |  1 |SM P    U1      |watt/m2         |Incident Shortwave Radiation at TOA (W/m^2)
>   49 |TAUCLD  | 15 |SM  C050ML      |non-dimensional |Counted Cloud Optical Depth (non-dimensional) per 100 mb
>   50 |TAUCLDC | 15 |SM  D   ML      |count           |Cloud Optical Depth Counter
>   51 |CLDLOW  |  1 |SM P    M1      |0-1             |Low-Level ( 1000-700 hPa) Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>   52 |EVAP    |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/day          |Surface Evaporation  (mm/day)
>   53 |DPDT    |  1 |SM      L1      |hPa/day         |Surface Pressure Tendency  (hPa/day)
>   54 |UAVE    | 15 |UU   055MR      |m/s             |Average Zonal Wind (m/s)
>   55 |VAVE    | 15 |VV   054MR      |m/s             |Average Meridional Wind (m/s)
>   56 |TAVE    | 15 |SM      MR      |K               |Average Potential Temperature (K)
>   57 |QAVE    | 15 |SM      MR      |gram/kg         |Average Specific Humidity (g/kg)
>   58 |OMEGA   | 15 |SM      ML      |hPa/day         |Vertical Velocity  (hPa/day)
>   59 |DUDT    | 15 |UU   060ML      |m/s/day         |Total Zonal Wind Tendency  (m/s/day)
>   60 |DVDT    | 15 |VV   059ML      |m/s/day         |Total Meridional Wind Tendency  (m/s/day)
>   61 |DTDT    | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Total Temperature Tendency  (K/day)
>   62 |DQDT    | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Total Specific Humidity Tendency  (g/kg/day)
>   63 |VORT    | 15 |SM      ML      |(e-4 sec-1)     |Relative Vorticity  (x10^-4  sec^-1)
>   64 |PSIGDOT | 15 |SM      LL      |hPa/day         |Pi-Weighted Vertical Sigma Velocity  (hPa/day)
>   65 |DTLS    | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Stratiform Processes  (K/day)
>   66 |DQLS    | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Specific Humidity Tendency from Stratiform Processes (g/kg/day)
>   67 |USTAR   |  1 |SM      L1      |m/sec           |Friction Velocity  (m/s)
>   68 |Z0      |  1 |SM      L1      |m               |Surface Roughness Z0  (m)
>   69 |FRQTRB  | 14 |SM P    MM      |0-1             |Frequency of Turbulence  (0-1)
>   70 |PBL     |  1 |SM P    M1      |hPa             |Estimated PBL Depth  (hPa)
>   71 |SWCLR   | 15 |SM P    ML      |K/day           |Clear Sky Shortwave Heating Rates  (K/day)
>   72 |OSR     |  1 |SM P    U1      |watt/m2         |Outgoing Shortwave Radiation  (W/m^2)
>   73 |OSRCLR  |  1 |SM P    U1      |watt/m2         |Clear Sky Outgoing Shortwave Radiation  (W/m^2)
>   74 |CLDMAS  | 15 |SM P    LL      |g/m2/sec        |Cloud Mass Flux  (g/m^2/sec)
>   75 |UWND    | 15 |UU   076ML      |m/sec           |Time-Averaged Zonal Wind  (m/s)
>   76 |VWND    | 15 |VV   075ML      |m/sec           |Time-Averaged Meridional Wind  (m/s)
>   77 |TMPU    | 15 |SM      ML      |K               |Time-Averaged Temperature  (deg K)
>   78 |SPHU    | 15 |SM P    ML      |gram/kg         |Time-Averaged Specific Humidity  (g/kg)
>   79 |RFT     | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Rayleigh Friction (K/day)
>   80 |PS      |  1 |SM      L1      |hPa             |Time-Averaged Surface Pressure  (hPa)
>   81 |TKE     | 15 |SM P    LL      |(m/sec)2        |Time-Averaged Turbulent Kinetic Energy  (m/s)^2
>   82 |SWGCLR  |  1 |SM P    L1      |watt/m2         |Clear Sky Net Downward SW Radiation at the Ground  (W/m^2)
>   83 |PAVE    |  1 |SM      L1      |hPa/day         |Average Surface Pressure (hPa)
>   84 |SDIAG1  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #1
>   85 |SDIAG2  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #2
>   86 |UDIAG1  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #1
>   87 |UDIAG2  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #2
>   88 |DIABU   | 15 |UU   089ML      |m/s/day         |Zonal Wind Tendency due to Diabatic Forcing  (m/s/day)
>   89 |DIABV   | 15 |VV   088ML      |m/s/day         |Meridional Wind Tendency due to Diabatic Forcing  (m/s/day)
>   90 |DIABT   | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Diabatic Forcing  (K/day)
>   91 |DIABQ   | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Specific Humidity Tendency due to Diabatic Forcing  (g/kg/day)
>   92 |RFU     | 15 |UU   093ML      |m/s/day         |Zonal Wind Tendency due to Rayleigh Friction  (m/s/day)
>   93 |RFV     | 15 |VV   092ML      |m/s/day         |Meridional Wind Tendency due to Rayleigh Friction  (m/s/day)
>   94 |GWDU    | 15 |UM   095ML      |m/s/day         |Zonal Wind Tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag  (m/s/day)
>   95 |GWDV    | 15 |VM   094ML      |m/s/day         |Meridional Wind Tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag  (m/s/day)
>   96 |GWDUS   |  1 |UM   097L1      |N/m2            |Zonal Wind Gravity Wave Surface Stress (N/m^2)
>   97 |GWDVS   |  1 |VM   096L1      |N/m2            |Meridional Wind Gravity Wave Surface Stress (N/m^2)
>   98 |GWDUT   |  1 |UM   099U1      |N/m2            |Zonal Wind Gravity Wave Stress at Model Top (N/m^2)
>   99 |GWDVT   |  1 |VM   098U1      |N/m2            |Meridional Wind Gravity Wave Stress at Model Top (N/m^2)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Num |<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<--  Units   -->|<- Tile (max=80c) 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  100 |LZRAD   | 15 |SM      ML      |mg/kg           |Estimated Cloud Liquid Water used in Radiation (mg/kg)
>  101 |SLP     |  1 |SM      L1      |hPa             |Time-Averaged Sea-Level Pressure  (mb)
>  102 |VAVEUQ  |  1 |UM   103M1      |m/s gram/kg     |Vertically Averaged UWND*SPHU  (m/s g/kg)
>  103 |VAVEVQ  |  1 |VM   102M1      |m/s gram/kg     |Vertically Averaged VWND*SPHU  (m/s g/kg)
>  104 |VAVEUT  |  1 |UM   105M1      |m/s K           |Vertically Averaged UWND*TMPU  (m/s deg K)
>  105 |VAVEVT  |  1 |VM   104M1      |m/s K           |Vertically Averaged VWND*TMPU  (m/s deg K)
>  106 |CLDFRC  |  1 |SM P    M1      |0-1             |2-D Total Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>  107 |TPW     |  1 |SM P    M1      |gram/cm2        |Total Precipitable Water  (g/cm^2)
>  108 |U2M     |  1 |UM   109M1      |m/sec           |Zonal Wind Interpolated to 2 Meters (m/s)
>  109 |V2M     |  1 |VM   108M1      |m/sec           |Meridional Wind Interpolated to 2 Meters (m/s)
>  110 |T2M     |  1 |SM      M1      |K               |Temperature Interpolated to 2 Meters (deg K)
>  111 |Q2M     |  1 |SM P    M1      |gram/kg         |Specific Humidity Interpolated to 2 Meters (g/kg)
>  112 |U10M    |  1 |UM   113M1      |m/sec           |Zonal Wind Interpolated to 10 Meters (m/s)
>  113 |V10M    |  1 |VM   112M1      |m/sec           |Meridional Wind Interpolated to 10 Meters (m/s)
>  114 |T10M    |  1 |SM      M1      |K               |Temperature Interpolated to 10 Meters (deg K)
>  115 |Q10M    |  1 |SM P    M1      |gram/kg         |Specific Humidity Interpolated to 10 Meters (g/kg)
>  116 |DTRAIN  | 15 |SM P    LL      |g/m2/sec        |Detrainment Cloud Mass Flux  (g/m^2/sec)
>  117 |QFILL   | 15 |SM      ML      |gram/kg/day     |Filling of Negative Specific Humidity (g/kg/day)
>  118 |VAVEQAVE|  1 |SM      M1      |mm/day          |Vertically Averaged QAVE  (mm/day)
>  119 |VAVEQFIL|  1 |SM P    L1      |mm/day          |Vertically Averaged QFILL  (mm/day)
>  120 |        |  0 |                |                |
>  121 |        |  0 |                |                |
>  122 |        |  0 |                |                |
>  123 |        |  0 |                |                |
>  124 |SDIAG3  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #3
>  125 |SDIAG4  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #4
>  126 |SDIAG5  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #5
>  127 |SDIAG6  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #6
>  128 |SDIAG7  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #7
>  129 |SDIAG8  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #8
>  130 |SDIAG9  |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #9
>  131 |SDIAG10 |  1 |SM      L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Surface   Diagnostic #10
>  132 |UDIAG3  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #3
>  133 |UDIAG4  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #4
>  134 |UDIAG5  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #5
>  135 |UDIAG6  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #6
>  136 |UDIAG7  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #7
>  137 |UDIAG8  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #8
>  138 |UDIAG9  | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #9
>  139 |UDIAG10 | 15 |SM      ML      |user-defined    |User-Defined Upper-Air Diagnostic #10
>  140 |CLDMID  |  1 |SM P    M1      |0-1             |Mid-Level (700-400 hPa) Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>  141 |CLDHI   |  1 |SM P    M1      |0-1             |High-Level (above 400 hPa) Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>  142 |TAULOW  |  1 |SM PC150M1      |non-dimensional |Low-Level (1000-700 hPa) Optical Depth
>  143 |TAUMID  |  1 |SM PC151M1      |non-dimensional |Mid-Level (700-400 hPa) Optical Depth
>  144 |TAUHI   |  1 |SM PC152M1      |non-dimensional |High-Level (above 400 hPa) Optical Depth
>  145 |CLDNP   | 15 |SM      ML      |0-1             |Non-Precipitating Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>  146 |CLDPRS  |  1 |SM PC147M1      |hPa             |Cloud Top Pressure (when cloudy)  (hPa)
>  147 |CTPCNT  |  1 |SM  D   M1      |count           |Cloud Top Pressure Counter
>  148 |CLDTMP  |  1 |SM PC149M1      |K               |Cloud Top Temperature (when cloudy)  (deg K)
>  149 |CTTCNT  |  1 |SM  D   M1      |count           |Cloud Top Temperature Counter
>  150 |TAULOWC |  1 |SM  D   M1      |count           |Low-Level Optical Depth Counter
>  151 |TAUMIDC |  1 |SM  D   M1      |count           |Mid-Level Optical Depth Counter
>  152 |TAUHIC  |  1 |SM  D   M1      |count           |High-Level Optical Depth Counter
>  153 |TCANOPY |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Skin Temperature of the Canopy/Soil (SST over water)  (deg K)
>  154 |TDEEP   |  1 |SM      L1      |K               |Deep Soil Temperature  (deg K)
>  155 |QCANOPY |  1 |SM      L1      |gram/kg         |Specific Humidity of the Canopy  (g/kg)
>  156 |SMSHAL  |  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Soil Moisture Field Capacity Fraction in Shallow (5 mm) Layer
>  157 |SMROOT  |  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Soil Moisture Field Capacity Fraction in Root Zone
>  158 |SMDEEP  |  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Soil Moisture Field Capacity Fraction in Recharge Layer
>  159 |CAPACITY|  1 |SM      L1      |mm              |Canopy Interception Reservoir (mm)
>  160 |SNOW    |  1 |SM      L1      |mm water equiv  |Snow Depth (mm water equivalent)
>  161 |RAINCON |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/day          |Convective Rainfall (liquid precipitate)  (mm/day)
>  162 |RAINLSP |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/day          |Large-scale Rainfall (liquid precipitate)  (mm/day)
>  163 |SNOWFALL|  1 |SM P    L1      |mm/day          |Total Snowfall (solid precipitate)  (mm/day)
>  164 |RUNOFF  |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/sec          |Water from precipitation not infiltrated into soil  (mm/s)
>  165 |FWSOIL  |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/sec          |Rainwater Infiltration into top soil layer  (mm/s)
>  166 |GDRAIN  |  1 |SM      L1      |mm/sec          |Diffusion of Moisture across bottom of root zone  (mm/s)
>  167 |SNOWMELT|  1 |SM      L1      |mm/sec          |Rate of Snow Melt  (mm/s)
>  168 |ERESV   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Latent Heat Flux from Canopy Interception Reservoir  (W/m^2)
>  169 |ESOIL   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Latent Heat Flux from Bare Soil  (W/m^2)
>  170 |EVEG    |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Latent Heat Flux (Transpiration) from Vegetated Surface (W/m^2)
>  171 |ESNOW   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Latent Heat Flux from Snow Pack  (W/m^2)
>  172 |PARDF   |  1 |SM P    L1      |watt/m2         |Diffuse-beam Photosynthetically Active Radiation  (W/m^2)
>  173 |PARDR   |  1 |SM P    L1      |watt/m2         |Direct-beam Photosynthetically Active Radiation  (W/m^2)
>  174 |LAI     |  1 |SM      L1      |percent         |Leaf Area Index  (%)
>  175 |GREEN   |  1 |SM      L1      |percent         |Green-ness Index  (%)
>  176 |DLWDTC  |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2/K       |Derivative of Upward LW Radiation wrt TCANOPY (W/m^2 /deg K)
>  177 |DHDTC   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2/K       |Derivative of Sensible Heat Flux wrt TCANOPY (W/m^2 /deg K)
>  178 |DEDTC   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2/K       |Derivative of Latent Heat Flux wrt TCANOPY (W/m^2 /deg K)
>  179 |VDTMOIST|  1 |SM      M1      |K/day           |Vertically Averaged MOISTT  (K/day)
>  180 |VDTTURB |  1 |SM      M1      |K/day           |Vertically Averaged TURBT  (K/day)
>  181 |VDTLWRAD|  1 |SM      M1      |K/day           |Vertically Averaged RADLW  (K/day)
>  182 |VDTSWRAD|  1 |SM P    M1      |K/day           |Vertically Averaged RADSW  (K/day)
>  183 |VAVETAVE|  1 |SM      M1      |K/day           |Vertically Averaged TAVE  (K/day)
>  184 |PSUBCLD |  1 |SM PC185M1      |hPa             |Pressure Thickness of the RAS Subcloud Layer (mb)
>  185 |PSUBCLDC|  1 |SM PD   M1      |count           |Pressure Thickness of the RAS Subcloud Layer Counter
>  186 |LCL     |  1 |SM      L1      |hPa             |Lifting Condensation Level (mb)
>  187 |SDIAGC  |  1 |SM  C188L1      |user-defined    |User-Defined Counted Surface Diagnostic
>  188 |SDIAGCC |  1 |SM  D   L1      |count           |User-Defined Counted Surface Diagnostic Counter
>  189 |        |  0 |         0      |                |
>  190 |EVPOT   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Potential Evapotranspiration (W/m^2)
>  191 |RHCHECK |  1 |SM P    L1      |mm/day          |Net precip due to supersaturation above critical RH  (mm/day)
>  192 |DHDQA   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Derivative of Sensible Heat wrt Canopy Humidity (W/m^2)
>  193 |DEDQA   |  1 |SM      L1      |watt/m2         |Derivative of Latent Heat wrt Canopy Humidity (W/m^2)
>  194 |DTC     |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Total Change in Canopy Temperature (deg/sec)
>  195 |DQC     |  1 |SM      L1      |sec-1           |Change in Canopy Humidity (kg/kg/sec)
>  196 |TCDTC   |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Energy Term (deg/sec)
>  197 |RADDTC  |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Net Radiation Term (deg/sec)
>  198 |SENDDTC |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Sensible Heat Term (deg/sec)
>  199 |LATDTC  |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Latent Heat Term (deg/sec)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Num |<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<--  Units   -->|<- Tile (max=80c) 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  200 |TDDTC   |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Ground Temp Term (deg/sec)
>  201 |QCDTC   |  1 |SM      L1      |K/sec           |Change in Canopy Temperature - Humidity Term (deg/sec)
>  202 |TRBQLIQ | 15 |SM      ML      |mg/kg           |Cloud Liquid Water Generated in Turbulence (mg/kg)
>  203 |TRBFCC  | 15 |SM      ML      |0-1             |Cloud Fraction Generated in Turbulence (fraction)
>  204 |ALBEDO  |  1 |SM  C210L1      |0-1             |Mean Surface Albedo (SW_Up/SW_Down)  0-1
>  205 |ALBVISDR|  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Direct  Beam VIS Surface Albedo (0-1)
>  206 |ALBVISDF|  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Diffuse Beam VIS Surface Albedo (0-1)
>  207 |ALBNIRDR|  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Direct  Beam NIR Surface Albedo (0-1)
>  208 |ALBNIRDF|  1 |SM      L1      |0-1             |Diffuse Beam NIR Surface Albedo (0-1)
>  209 |TAUAVE  | 15 |SM      ML      |non-dimensional |Averaged Cloud Optical Depth (non-dimensional) per 100 mb
>  210 |ALBEDOC |  1 |SM  D   L1      |count           |Surface Albedo Counter
>  211 |RHCHECKT| 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Change due to humidity above critical RH  (K/day)
>  212 |RHCHECKQ| 15 |SM      ML      |g/kg/day        |Spec.Humid. Change due to humidity above critical RH (g/kg/day)
>  213 |CLDLSP  | 15 |SM P    ML      |0-1             |Large-Scale Cloud Fraction  (0-1)
>  214 |LZLOW   |  1 |SM P    L1      |mg/cm2          |Vert integrated low-level (below 700mb) cloud water (mg/cm**2)
>  215 |LZMID   |  1 |SM P    L1      |mg/cm2          |Vert integrated mid-level (700-400mb) cloud water (mg/cm**2)
>  216 |LZHI    |  1 |SM P    L1      |mg/cm2          |Vert integrated high-level (above 400mb) cloud water (mg/cm**2)
>  217 |LZTOT   |  1 |SM P    L1      |mg/cm2          |Vertically integrated total suspended cloud water (mg/cm**2)
>  218 |CAPE    |  1 |SM P    L1      |mb m2/sec2      |Convective Available Potential Energy
>  219 |HSUBCL  |  1 |SM P    L1      |m2/sec2         |Moist Static Energy in RAS subcloud layer
>  220 |HSTAR   | 15 |SM P    ML      |m2/sec2         |Saturation Moist Static Energy
>  221 |CONT    | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Convective  Precipitation (K/day)
>  222 |CONQ    | 15 |SM      ML      |g/kg/day        |Moisture Tendency due to Convective Precipitation (g/kg/day)
>  223 |LST     | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Large Scale Precipitation (K/day)
>  224 |LSQ     | 15 |SM      ML      |g/kg/day        |Moisture Tendency due to Large Scale Precipitation (g/kg/day)
>  225 |CONEVPT | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Conv Rain Re-evaporation (K/day)
>  226 |CONEVPQ | 15 |SM      ML      |g/kg/day        |Moisture Tendency due to Conv Rain Re-evaporation (g/kg/day)
>  227 |LSEVPT  | 15 |SM      ML      |K/day           |Temperature Tendency due to Large Scale Rain Re-evap (K/day)
>  228 |LSEVPQ  | 15 |SM      ML      |g/kg/day        |Moisture Tendency due to Large Scale Rain Re-evap (g/kg/day)
>  229 |GWCUMID |  1 |UM   230L1      |m/sec           |Mid-Lev Mean U-Wind for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/sec)
>  230 |GWCVMID |  1 |VM   229L1      |m/sec           |Mid-Lev Mean V-Wind for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/sec)
>  231 |CLDSTD  |  1 |SM      L1      |m               |Mid-Lev Cloud Perturb Length for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m)
>  232 |GWCUBAR |  1 |UM   233L1      |m/sec           |Mid-Lev Perturb U-Wind for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/sec)
>  233 |GWCVBAR |  1 |VM   232L1      |m/sec           |Mid-Lev Perturb V-Wind for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/sec)
>  234 |GWCUS   |  1 |UM   235L1      |N/m2            |Mid-Lev U-Wind Stress for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (N/m^2)
>  235 |GWCVS   |  1 |VM   234L1      |N/m2            |Mid-Lev V-Wind Stress for Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (N/m^2)
>  236 |GWCU    | 15 |UM   237ML      |m/sec/day       |U-Wind Tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/s/day)
>  237 |GWCV    | 15 |VM   236ML      |m/sec/day       |V-Wind Tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag w/Clouds (m/s/day)
>  238 |ETAN    |  1 |SM      M1      |m               |Perturbation of Surface (pressure, height) (Pa,m)
>  239 |ETANSQ  |  1 |SM      M1      |m^2             |Square of Perturbation of Sfc (Pa^2,m^2)
>  240 |DETADT2 |  1 |SM      M1      |m^2/s^2         |Square of Eta (Surf.P,SSH) Tendency ((r_unit/s)^2)
>  241 |THETA   | 15 |SM      MR      |degC            |Potential Temperature (degC,K)
>  242 |SALT    | 15 |SM      MR      |psu             |Salt or Water Vapor mixing ratio (g/kg)
>  243 |UVEL    | 15 |UU   244MR      |m/s             |Zonal Component of Velocity (m/s)
>  244 |VVEL    | 15 |VV   243MR      |m/s             |Meridional Component of Velocity (m/s)
>  245 |WVEL    | 15 |WM      LR      |m/s             |Vertical Component of Velocity (r_units/s)
>  246 |THETASQ | 15 |SM      MR      |degC^2          |Square of Potential Temperature (K^2)
>  247 |SALTSQ  | 15 |SM      MR      |(psu)^2         |Square of Salt or Water Vapor mix rat (g^2/kg^2)
>  248 |UVELSQ  | 15 |UU   249MR      |m^2/s^2         |Square of Zonal Comp of Velocity (m^2/s^2)
>  249 |VVELSQ  | 15 |VV   248MR      |m^2/s^2         |Square of Meridional Comp of Velocity (m^2/s^2)
>  250 |WVELSQ  | 15 |WM      LR      |m^2/s^2         |Square of Vertical Comp of Velocity (m^2/s^2)
>  251 |UV_VEL_C| 15 |UM   251MR      |m^2/s^2         |Product of horizontal Comp of velocity (cell center)
>  252 |UV_VEL_Z| 15 |UZ   252MR      |m^2/s^2         |Meridional Transport of Zonal Momentum (m^2/s^2)
>  253 |WU_VEL  | 15 |WU      LR      |m.m/s^2         |Vertical Transport of Zonal Momentum (m^2/s^2)
>  254 |WV_VEL  | 15 |WV      LR      |m.m/s^2         |Vertical Transport of Meridional Momentum (m^2/s^2)
>  255 |UVELMASS| 15 |UU   256MR      |m/s             |Zonal Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s)
>  256 |VVELMASS| 15 |VV   255MR      |m/s             |Meridional Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s)
>  257 |WVELMASS| 15 |WM      LR      |m/s             |Vertical Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s)
>  258 |UTHMASS | 15 |UU   259MR      |degC.m/s        |Zonal Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  259 |VTHMASS | 15 |VV   258MR      |degC.m/s        |Meridional Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  260 |WTHMASS | 15 |WM      LR      |degC.m/s        |Vertical Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  261 |USLTMASS| 15 |UU   262MR      |psu.m/s         |Zonal Mass-Weight Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  262 |VSLTMASS| 15 |VV   261MR      |psu.m/s         |Meridional Mass-Weight Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  263 |WSLTMASS| 15 |WM      LR      |psu.m/s         |Vertical Mass-Weight Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  264 |UVELTH  | 15 |UU   265MR      |degC.m/s        |Zonal Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  265 |VVELTH  | 15 |VV   264MR      |degC.m/s        |Meridional Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  266 |WVELTH  | 15 |WM      LR      |degC.m/s        |Vertical Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s)
>  267 |UVELSLT | 15 |UU   268MR      |psu.m/s         |Zonal Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  268 |VVELSLT | 15 |VV   267MR      |psu.m/s         |Meridional Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  269 |WVELSLT | 15 |WM      LR      |psu.m/s         |Vertical Transp of Salt (g/kg.m/s)
>  270 |RHOAnoma| 15 |SM      MR      |kg/m^3          |Density Anomaly (=Rho-rhoConst)
>  271 |RHOANOSQ| 15 |SM      MR      |kg^2/m^6        |Square of Density Anomaly (=(Rho-rhoConst)^2)
>  272 |URHOMASS| 15 |UU   273MR      |kg/m^2/s        |Zonal Transport of Density
>  273 |VRHOMASS| 15 |VV   272MR      |kg/m^2/s        |Meridional Transport of Density
>  274 |WRHOMASS| 15 |WM      LR      |kg/m^2/s        |Vertical Transport of Potential Density
>  275 |PHIHYD  | 15 |SM      MR      |m^2/s^2         |Hydrostatic (ocean) pressure / (atmos) geo-Potential
>  276 |PHIBOT  |  1 |SM      M1      |m^2/s^2         |ocean bottom pressure / top. atmos geo-Potential
>  277 |PHIBOTSQ|  1 |SM      M1      |m^4/s^4         |Square of ocean bottom pressure / top. geo-Potential
>  278 |DRHODR  | 15 |SM      LR      |kg/m^4          |Stratification: d.Sigma/dr (kg/m3/r_unit)
>  279 |VISCA4  | 15 |SM      MR      |m^4/s           |Biharmonic Viscosity Coefficient in (m4/s)
>  280 |VISCAH  | 15 |SM      MR      |m^2/s           |Harmonic Viscosity Coefficient in (m2/s)
>  281 |TAUX    |  1 |SU      U1      |N/m^2           |zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel
>  282 |TAUY    |  1 |SV      U1      |N/m^2           |meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel
>  283 |TFLUX   |  1 |SM      U1      |W/m^2           |net surface heat flux, >0 increases theta
>  284 |TRELAX  |  1 |SM      U1      |W/m^2           |surface temperature relaxation, >0 increases theta
>  285 |TICE    |  1 |SM      U1      |W/m^2           |heat from melt/freeze of sea-ice, >0 increases theta
>  286 |SFLUX   |  1 |SM      U1      |g/m^2/s         |net surface salt flux, >0 increases salt
>  287 |SRELAX  |  1 |SM      U1      |g/m^2/s         |surface salinity relaxation, >0 increases salt
>  288 |ADVr_TH | 15 |WM      LR      |degC.m^3/s      |Vertical   Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature
>  289 |ADVx_TH | 15 |UU   290MR      |degC.m^3/s      |Zonal      Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature
>  290 |ADVy_TH | 15 |VV   289MR      |degC.m^3/s      |Meridional Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature
>  291 |DFrE_TH | 15 |WM      LR      |degC.m^3/s      |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Explicit part)
>  292 |DIFx_TH | 15 |UU   293MR      |degC.m^3/s      |Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature
>  293 |DIFy_TH | 15 |VV   292MR      |degC.m^3/s      |Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature
>  294 |DFrI_TH | 15 |WM      LR      |degC.m^3/s      |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Implicit part)
>  295 |ADVr_SLT| 15 |WM      LR      |psu.m^3/s       |Vertical   Advective Flux of Salinity
>  296 |ADVx_SLT| 15 |UU   297MR      |psu.m^3/s       |Zonal      Advective Flux of Salinity
>  297 |ADVy_SLT| 15 |VV   296MR      |psu.m^3/s       |Meridional Advective Flux of Salinity
>  298 |DFrE_SLT| 15 |WM      LR      |psu.m^3/s       |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity    (Explicit part)
>  299 |DIFx_SLT| 15 |UU   300MR      |psu.m^3/s       |Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Salinity
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Num |<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<--  Units   -->|<- Tile (max=80c) 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  300 |DIFy_SLT| 15 |VV   299MR      |psu.m^3/s       |Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity
>  301 |DFrI_SLT| 15 |WM      LR      |psu.m^3/s       |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity    (Implicit part)
>  302 |GM_VisbK|  1 |SM P    M1      |m^2/s           |Mixing coefficient from Visbeck etal parameterization
>  303 |GM_Kux  | 15 |UU P 304MR      |m^2/s           |K_11 element (U.point, X.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  304 |GM_Kvy  | 15 |VV P 303MR      |m^2/s           |K_22 element (V.point, Y.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  305 |GM_Kuz  | 15 |UU   306MR      |m^2/s           |K_13 element (U.point, Z.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  306 |GM_Kvz  | 15 |VV   305MR      |m^2/s           |K_23 element (V.point, Z.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  307 |GM_Kwx  | 15 |UM   308LR      |m^2/s           |K_31 element (W.point, X.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  308 |GM_Kwy  | 15 |VM   307LR      |m^2/s           |K_32 element (W.point, Y.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  309 |GM_Kwz  | 15 |WM P    LR      |m^2/s           |K_33 element (W.point, Z.dir) of GM-Redi tensor
>  310 |GM_PsiX | 15 |UU   311LR      |m^2/s           |GM Bolus transport stream-function : X component
>  311 |GM_PsiY | 15 |VV   310LR      |m^2/s           |GM Bolus transport stream-function : Y component
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Num |<-Name->|Levs|<-parsing code->|<--  Units   -->|<- Tile (max=80c) 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------


William Dewar wrote:
> dear dr hill
> is there any way to get a hold of the pressure field computed by the 
> mitgcm?  can it be dumped as part of the output?

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