[MITgcm-support] T & rho!

Van Thinh Nguyen vtnguyen at moisie.math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 5 15:23:57 EDT 2006

Hi Martin,

I looked in your discuss on T & rho in MITgcm-support archives (June 
2004), but I am really not sure what I am using in my model:

  I have a vertical density profile as:


  From exp1 using linear EOS, we have:

     d(rho)/dz = - rho_0*tAlpha*d(T)/dz

  Integrating this relation, I get T(z)= - rho(z)/(rho_0*tAlpha)
  (here rho_0=1000kg/m3, tAlpha=2.E-4 and rho(z) given as above)

  This T(z) can be used as tRef in data?

  Thanks so much for any help,

  Van Thinh

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