[MITgcm-support] mpich

Eli Biton eliyahub at wisemail.weizmann.ac.il
Thu Apr 20 09:02:40 EDT 2006

Hi all
I'm trying to use  MPICH on  an opteron machine running redhat AS 4U1.
The optFile we are using is:

CPP='cpp  -traditional -P'

FC='/shared/pgi/bin/mpif77 -fast -fastsse -tp k8-64 -Mipa=fast '
CC='/shared/pgi/bin/mpicc  -fast -fastsse  -tp k8-64 -Mipa=fast '
LINK='/shared/pgi/bin/mpif77 '

but we get the following error message when we are compiling:

_USE_MPI -DALWAYS_USE_MPI -DHAVE_SYSTEM -DHAVE_ETIME  -I/usr/pgi/linux86-64/6.0/include  > exch_r8_recv_get_x.f
/shared/pgi/bin/mpif77 -fast -fastsse -tp k8-64 -Mipa=fast    -c exch_r8_recv_get_x.f
PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, mpi_real8, has not been explicitly declared (exch_r8_recv_get_x.f: 1513)
  0 inform,   0 warnings,   1 severes, 0 fatal for exch_r8_recv_get_x
PGFTN/x86-64 Linux/x86-64 6.0-2: compilation completed with severe errors
gmake: *** [exch_r8_recv_get_x.o] Error 2

Any suggestions?

Thanks Eli

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