[MITgcm-support] One-column channel?

Alistair Adcroft adcroft at mit.edu
Fri May 13 11:13:44 EDT 2005

Leave Olx,Oly=2 or 3 (depending on numerics) and Ny=1 should then work.


Petter Stenström wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that it is not possible to run a channel simulation with just
> one column, i.e without supporting side-walls (e.g. nx*ny*nz = 100*1*10).
> The salinity goes to zero in a few time steps, regardless of the initial
> salinity. It's not a big problem, I can always add supporting side walls,
> but I'm curious why the problem occurs. Any idea? Is the overlap
> parameters (Oly, Olx) involved in some way? I've set them both to 1.
> Petter
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Dr Alistair Adcroft            http://www.mit.edu/~adcroft
MIT Climate Modeling Initiative        tel: (617) 253-5938
EAPS 54-1624,  77 Massachusetts Ave,  Cambridge,  MA,  USA

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