[MITgcm-support] redirect of stdout

Martin Losch mlosch at awi-bremerhaven.de
Tue Jul 5 05:59:37 EDT 2005


help from an amateur:

you can probably easily disable (almost) all output to standard out by 
commenting out the body of the routines print_message and print_error 
(in eesupp/src/print.F)

all of this is refers to routines eesupp/src:
In eeboot.F the parameters standardMessageUnit and errorMessageUnit are 
set and in eeboot_minimal.F these units are opened.
in eesupp/src/ini_procs.F the parameters standardMessageUnit and 
errorMessageUnit are set again for non-MPI runs (?)
So if you comment out the ini_procs.F statements and and modify the 
eeboot* statements, maybe you get what you want. But I am not sure ... 
I was once told that I should have to edit those files at all (o:


On Jul 5, 2005, at 10:09 AM, Rene Redler wrote:

> hi,
>    I am looking for an alternative way to redirect the stdout
> into a file other than doing this via the unix " > " in cases
> when the MIT model is compiled without MPI. When compiled with
> MPI this is already happening somewhere (where?) and I am wondering
> whether something similar could be done for the non-MPI case.
> The reason is that the unix " > " does not work in my particular
> case.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> I also noticed that a whole lot of output is generated during
> the initialisation of the run. I am still playing with
> plume_on_slope . I found the monitor module which I eliminated
> from the genmake step, and I also found the debugLevel which
> I added to the namelist and set it to zero. However this did
> not really improve the situation for several reasons:
> Sometimes the debugLevel is tested against >= debugLevelZero,
> but most of the prints cannot not be deactivated without editing
> the code (at least this was my impression). Are there other ways
> to reduce the stdoutput to a minimum?
> Best regards, Rene
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