[MITgcm-support] since we are talking about mnc...

Nicolas Wienders wienders at ocean.fsu.edu
Thu Dec 15 15:07:40 EST 2005

On Dec 15, 2005, at 2:54 PM, Martin Losch wrote:

> Nicolas,
> looks to me as if "netcdf.inc" is not included where these  
> subroutines are declared as external functions. At the genmake2  
> step, do you see an error/warning about genmake2 not finding any  
> netcdf installation? If so, you'll have to include the path to your  
> netcdf files in your options file (INCLUDES, and LIBS).

Curiously enough netcdf.inc  didn't come in the include directory of
  the apt installation of netcdf that we did.

This is why we installed also some more files via installiotn of hdf
(that contains netcdf.inc).

And as the message was showing i have included the hdf include files....

>> cat mnc_cw_cvars.F | ../../../tools/set64bitConst.sh |  cpp  - 
>> I/usr/include/hdf > mnc_cw_cvars.f
>> g77 -Wimplicit -Wunused -Wuninitialized -O3 -funroll-loops -c  
>> mnc_cw_cvars.f

Should we restart from zero and compile the netcdf library ourselves  
so that it will
include netcdf.inc?

Thank you.

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