[MITgcm-support] FW: once more

Chris Hill cnh at mit.edu
Tue Aug 17 08:39:48 EDT 2004



From: Al Al [mailto:al_newid at yahoo.it] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:21 AM
To: marshall at ocean.mit.edu
Cc: cnh at ocean.mit.edu; mlosch at awi-bremerhaven.de; eh3 at mit.edu
Subject: once more

Good morning again. 
So do I have to think that none can spend some minutes for helping my
experiments? Ok, probably I am just in stupid troubles but I should go on
with my studies. I am sorry if I am using this model too big and complex for
me, but anyway I would not reaaly like to restart my thesis with anything
else. So guys, I know that I am so young and ignorant for you, but give me a
Probably my questions are not right for the mitsupport forum, but plese
during the mext coffeebreak give me some munites. I have no other
possibilities to get help.
You are the best guys to ask about the MITgcm.
Please, again give me your helpfulness.
Thank you.
Al wrote:
Hello agian.
I'm sorry, I know that I am a disturb but I feel like a stupid boy. My
questions are so stupid for the Mit support; you are so busy to give them
time. So please tell me how can I do to have any answers and solve my
problem with your model. I know that I am just a student but I am just
trying to improve my knowlwdge in modelling and in my university noone uses
the MITgcm. If there is anyone that can find some minutes to reply me with
some suggestions, please tell me and I will send my questions to him.
Sorry if I sond noisy but I need to go on with my thesis.
Thank you for your helpfulness.

John Marshall <marshall at ocean.mit.edu> wrote:

I'm sorry but I do not have time to answer these questions. You will have to
get advice from somewhere else.
John Marshall

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Al [mailto:al_newid at yahoo.it] 

Some additional information on my experiments and some questions.


I’m trying to reproduce the Atlantic circulation in a box model having a
zonal width of 60° and meridional width of 100°. The horizontal resolution
is 2°x2° with 18 levels. Now I do not have wind, the model is forced just by
SST gradient with a restoring period set to 30 days. The salinity is set to
35 psu and the temperature is 14°C at all latitudes and longitudes at each
level. I’m using the simple convective adjustment scheme but I do not know
what that means exactly and I do not know how checking where the convection

The viscosities are set to 2.5·105 m2s-1 in horizontal and 5·10-4 m2s-1 in
vertical. The diffusivities are set to 5·102 m2s-1 in horizontal and
1.5·10-5 m2s-1 in vertical. Trying to use smaller and more realistic values
the model crashes. This is the reason why I would like to use a different
parameterization for the mixing. I do not know if GM scheme is the best one.

My horizontal circulation seems to be wrong. Reading some papers I found
that some people add some topography on the boundaries. In my experiments I
have flat bottom and simple walls to close the box domain. Can this be the




1.     Is there a way to be sure that the vertical discretization works
good? I’ve defined that by myself and I don’t know if it is to course close
to the bottom to reproduce some processes.

2.     Does the model use the C-grid in the horizontal?

3.     How can I check where the convective mixing works?

4.     Are there any matlab utilities to read and elaborate the MITgcm
results on the web?


I hope that can help you to understand my problems using the model. Thank
you for your help.

I will wait for your answer.

Best regards,




John Marshall <marshall at ocean.mit.edu> wrote:

Al, what would like to change the mixing to? You need to be more specific.
John Marshall

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Al 

probably my question was so stupid but I am just a young gradueting student
and I am not so good in modelling. This is my beginning. Please, can you
help me solving my problem?
I would like to change the mixing parameterization in the model using the
Gent McWilliams scheme.
Thank you.
Best regards,

Al Al wrote:

I've just downloaded the version c39 of the model and I should try to
reproduce some processes in the South Atlantic. My horizontal resolution is
1x1 degrees, should I use GM scheme? and how?
Thank you.


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