FW: [MITgcm-support] obcs for lock-exchange problem (fwd)

James B. Girton girton at whoi.edu
Tue Apr 20 18:22:51 EDT 2004

samar khatiwala wrote:

>>i/m still not clear as to exactly which OBCS schemes are available. any pointers?
>Basically, you can have
>(1) a radiation BC - only Orlanski is implemented as far as I know
>(2) prescribed, including sponge, BC.
>Also, there is a variant of (1) that only radiates the "wave" or variable
>part of the solution by first subtracting out a mean flow. This is
>probably not in the standard obcs package, but it exists if you are
I've made some modifications to the radiation condition that use an a 
priori specified wavespeed (rather than the adaptive Orlanski condition 
which in my problems tends to introduce more noise than it lets out...), 
and another version with separate (constant) wavespeeds for external and 
internal modes. I'm happy to send my code to anyone who wants it, 
although I haven't yet done the necessary homework to make an "official" 
contribution to the code database...


James B. Girton, Postdoctoral Investigator
Department of Physical Oceanography, MS 29
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543
Clark 214B, Phone: 508-289-2632, FAX: 508-457-2163
girton at whoi.edu, http://ohm.apl.washington.edu/~girton

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