[Mitgcm-support] Towards $HOME/.genmakerc

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:31:46 EDT 2003

After talking about adding in the use of $HOME/.genmakerc I remembered that
the genmake script already checks the user environment as it is.

 % grep platform ~/.cshrc
 setenv platform linux-withMPIinSillyPlace+mpi
 % ../../../tools/genmake -mods=../code

I still agree that a ~/.genmakerc will be useful but for the functionality
that genmake currently offers, the platform variable in .cshrc is adequate.
After a small mod I just checked in, most other variables can also be set in
the user environment.

Something to do in the near future is to change the names of these
environment variables to something more specific/useful (i.e. change
$platform to $GENMAKE_platform or $MITGCM_PLATFORM). This would take fifteen
minutes if I only had the time...

As I mentioned yesterday, genmake would be much easier to generalize if it
was in /bin/bash and not /bin/csh.

Alistair Adcroft      (adcroft at mit.edu)   tel:(617) 253-5938
MIT Climate Modeling Initiative
MIT 54-1523, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

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