[Mitgcm-support] mdsio package

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:23:25 EDT 2003

I checked in a "packaged" form of mdsio.

The quotes mean it doesn't have a _init of _readparms phase which
may be it should ... (ideally, mdsio* would not include EEPARAMS.h nor
SIZE.h which could be replaced by a mdsio_init.F).

If there's a problem with the new code (and there isn't) you can
use   genmake -disable=mdsio  to switch off the new package and
genmake will then use the original mdsio.F and mdsio_gl.F.

Of course, if you thought there was a problem and you then
-disable=mdsio and your problem doesn't go away you've simply
proven my point.  :)

In progress (checked in but not validated):
which will do the same as mdsio_readfield() but be callable from
inside a bi,bj loop.


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