Update AD_CONFIG.h and make mitgcmuv_tap_adj make -f Makefile mitgcmuv_tap_adj make[1]: Entering directory `/lustre/home/dutao/perl5/quin/MITgcm-master/verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/build' icc -O0 -ip -m64 -xHost -mcmodel=medium -DWORDLENGTH=4 -DDEFAULT_R8 -DHAVE_SYSTEM -DHAVE_FDATE -DHAVE_ETIME_FCT -DHAVE_CLOC -DHAVE_SETRLSTK -DHAVE_SIGREG -DHAVE_STAT -DHAVE_NETCDF -DHAVE_FLUSH -I/lustre/software/netcdf-4.7.4_intel2016/include -c ../../../tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/adStack.c icc -O0 -ip -m64 -xHost -mcmodel=medium -DWORDLENGTH=4 -DDEFAULT_R8 -DHAVE_SYSTEM -DHAVE_FDATE -DHAVE_ETIME_FCT -DHAVE_CLOC -DHAVE_SETRLSTK -DHAVE_SIGREG -DHAVE_STAT -DHAVE_NETCDF -DHAVE_FLUSH -I/lustre/software/netcdf-4.7.4_intel2016/include -c ../../../tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/adBinomial.c touch autodiff_init_varia_b.f autodiff_store_b.f autodiff_restore_b.f cd_code_scheme_b.f cd_code_ini_vars_b.f cd_code_read_pickup_b.f cost_accumulate_mean_b.f cost_final_b.f cost_init_varia_b.f cost_tile_b.f cost_test_b.f cost_tracer_b.f cost_atlantic_heat_b.f cost_depth_b.f cost_vector_b.f cost_state_final_b.f ctrl_cost_driver_b.f ctrl_cost_gen_b.f ctrl_depth_ini_b.f ctrl_get_gen_b.f ctrl_get_gen_rec_b.f ctrl_get_mask_b.f ctrl_init_rec_b.f ctrl_init_variables_b.f ctrl_map_ini_genarr_b.f ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d_b.f ctrl_map_forcing_b.f ctrl_map_genarr_b.f ctrl_map_gentim2d_b.f ctrl_getobcse_b.f ctrl_getobcsn_b.f ctrl_getobcss_b.f ctrl_getobcsw_b.f ctrl_init_obcs_variables_b.f ctrl_swapffields_b.f ctrl_toolbox_b.f alk_surfforcing_b.f bio_export_b.f calcite_saturation_b.f car_flux_b.f car_flux_omega_top_b.f carbon_chem_b.f dic_atmos_b.f dic_biotic_diags_b.f dic_biotic_forcing_b.f dic_biotic_init_b.f dic_cost_b.f dic_fields_load_b.f dic_fields_update_b.f dic_ini_atmos_b.f dic_ini_forcing_b.f dic_init_varia_b.f dic_read_pickup_b.f dic_read_co2_pickup_b.f dic_set_control_b.f dic_store_fluxco2_b.f dic_surfforcing_b.f dic_surfforcing_init_b.f fe_chem_b.f insol_b.f o2_surfforcing_b.f phos_flux_b.f gchem_add_tendency_b.f gchem_calc_tendency_b.f gchem_fields_load_b.f gchem_forcing_sep_b.f gchem_init_vari_b.f gchem_surfmean_b.f gad_advection_b.f gad_biharm_r_b.f gad_biharm_x_b.f gad_biharm_y_b.f gad_c2_adv_r_b.f gad_c2_impl_r_b.f gad_c2_adv_x_b.f gad_c2_adv_y_b.f gad_c4_adv_r_b.f gad_c4_adv_x_b.f gad_c4_adv_y_b.f gad_calc_rhs_b.f gad_del2_b.f gad_diff_r_b.f gad_diff_x_b.f gad_diff_y_b.f gad_dst2u1_adv_r_b.f gad_dst2u1_impl_r_b.f gad_dst2u1_adv_x_b.f gad_dst2u1_adv_y_b.f gad_dst3_adv_x_b.f gad_dst3_adv_y_b.f gad_dst3_adv_r_b.f gad_dst3fl_adv_x_b.f gad_dst3fl_adv_y_b.f gad_dst3fl_adv_r_b.f gad_dst3fl_impl_r_b.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_r_b.f gad_fluxlimit_impl_r_b.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_x_b.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_y_b.f gad_grad_x_b.f gad_grad_y_b.f gad_implicit_r_b.f gad_init_varia_b.f gad_os7mp_adv_x_b.f gad_os7mp_adv_y_b.f gad_os7mp_adv_r_b.f gad_read_pickup_b.f gad_u3_adv_r_b.f gad_u3c4_impl_r_b.f gad_u3_adv_x_b.f gad_u3_adv_y_b.f gad_som_advect_b.f gad_som_adv_r_b.f gad_som_adv_x_b.f gad_som_adv_y_b.f gad_som_fill_cs_corner_b.f gad_som_lim_r_b.f gad_som_prep_cs_corner_b.f gad_som_exchanges_b.f gad_exch_som_b.f gmredi_calc_diff_b.f gmredi_calc_psi_b_b.f gmredi_calc_tensor_b.f gmredi_do_exch_b.f gmredi_init_varia_b.f gmredi_residual_flow_b.f gmredi_rtransport_b.f gmredi_slope_limit_b.f gmredi_slope_psi_b.f gmredi_xtransport_b.f gmredi_ytransport_b.f gmredi_calc_qgleith_b.f mom_calc_absvort3_b.f mom_calc_hdiv_b.f mom_calc_hfacz_b.f mom_calc_ke_b.f mom_calc_relvort3_b.f mom_calc_strain_b.f mom_calc_tension_b.f mom_calc_visc_b.f mom_hdissip_b.f mom_quasihydrostatic_b.f mom_u_botdrag_coeff_b.f mom_u_coriolis_nh_b.f mom_u_metric_nh_b.f mom_u_rviscflux_b.f mom_u_sidedrag_b.f mom_v_botdrag_coeff_b.f mom_v_coriolis_nh_b.f mom_v_metric_nh_b.f mom_v_rviscflux_b.f mom_v_sidedrag_b.f mom_visc_qgl_limit_b.f mom_visc_qgl_stretch_b.f mom_calc_rtrans_b.f mom_fluxform_b.f mom_u_adv_uu_b.f mom_u_adv_vu_b.f mom_u_adv_wu_b.f mom_u_coriolis_b.f mom_u_del2u_b.f mom_u_metric_cylinder_b.f mom_u_metric_sphere_b.f mom_u_xviscflux_b.f mom_u_yviscflux_b.f mom_v_adv_uv_b.f mom_v_adv_vv_b.f mom_v_adv_wv_b.f mom_v_coriolis_b.f mom_v_del2v_b.f mom_v_metric_cylinder_b.f mom_v_metric_sphere_b.f mom_v_xviscflux_b.f mom_v_yviscflux_b.f mom_vecinv_b.f mom_vi_coriolis_b.f mom_vi_del2uv_b.f mom_vi_hdissip_b.f mom_vi_u_coriolis_b.f mom_vi_u_coriolis_c4_b.f mom_vi_u_grad_ke_b.f mom_vi_u_vertshear_b.f mom_vi_v_coriolis_b.f mom_vi_v_coriolis_c4_b.f mom_vi_v_grad_ke_b.f mom_vi_v_vertshear_b.f ptracers_calc_wsurf_tr_b.f ptracers_convect_b.f ptracers_fields_blocking_exch_b.f ptracers_apply_forcing_b.f ptracers_forcing_surf_b.f ptracers_init_varia_b.f ptracers_integrate_b.f ptracers_read_pickup_b.f ptracers_reset_b.f ptracers_switch_onoff_b.f read_fld_xyz_rs_b.f read_fld_xyz_rl_b.f read_fld_xy_rs_b.f read_fld_xy_rl_b.f read_rec_b.f timeave_cumul_1k1t_b.f timeave_cumul_1t_b.f timeave_cumul_1vfc_b.f timeave_cumul_2v_b.f timeave_cumul_2vfc_b.f timeave_cumulate_b.f timeave_cumul_dif_1t_b.f timeave_norma_2v_b.f timeave_normalize_b.f timeave_reset_b.f timeave_statvars_b.f timeave_statv_write_b.f timeave_surf_flux_b.f different_multiple_b.f fill_cs_corner_ag_rl_b.f fill_cs_corner_tr_rl_b.f fill_cs_corner_uv_rs_b.f fill_cs_corner_uv_rl_b.f get_periodic_interval_b.f lef_zero_b.f exch_sm_3d_rl_b.f exch_3d_rs_b.f exch_3d_rl_b.f exch_xy_rl_b.f exch_xy_rs_b.f exch_xyz_rl_b.f exch_xyz_rs_b.f exch_uv_3d_rs_b.f exch_uv_3d_rl_b.f exch_uv_xy_rs_b.f exch_uv_xy_rl_b.f exch_uv_xyz_rs_b.f exch_uv_xyz_rl_b.f exch_uv_agrid_3d_rs_b.f exch_uv_agrid_3d_rl_b.f exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rs_b.f exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rl_b.f adams_bashforth2_b.f adams_bashforth3_b.f apply_forcing_b.f calc_3d_diffusivity_b.f calc_adv_flow_b.f calc_div_ghat_b.f calc_grad_phi_fv_b.f calc_grad_phi_hyd_b.f calc_grad_phi_surf_b.f calc_ivdc_b.f calc_phi_hyd_b.f calc_r_star_b.f calc_surf_dr_b.f calc_viscosity_b.f calc_wsurf_tr_b.f cg2d_nsa_b.f convective_adjustment_b.f convective_adjustment_ini_b.f convective_weights_b.f convectively_mixtracer_b.f correction_step_b.f cycle_ab_tracer_b.f cycle_tracer_b.f diags_phi_hyd_b.f diags_phi_rlow_b.f diags_rho_b.f diags_sound_speed_b.f do_atmospheric_phys_b.f do_fields_blocking_exchanges_b.f do_oceanic_phys_b.f do_stagger_fields_exchanges_b.f dynamics_b.f external_fields_load_b.f external_forcing_surf_b.f forcing_surf_relax_b.f find_alpha_b.f find_rho_b.f forward_step_b.f freesurf_rescale_g_b.f freeze_surface_b.f grad_sigma_b.f impldiff_b.f ini_cg2d_b.f ini_depths_b.f ini_ffields_b.f ini_fields_b.f ini_forcing_b.f ini_mixing_b.f ini_nh_fields_b.f ini_nlfs_vars_b.f ini_p_ground_b.f ini_pressure_b.f ini_psurf_b.f ini_salt_b.f ini_theta_b.f ini_dynvars_b.f ini_vel_b.f initialise_varia_b.f integrate_for_w_b.f integr_continuity_b.f load_fields_driver_b.f load_grid_spacing_b.f main_do_loop_b.f momentum_correction_step_b.f packages_init_variables_b.f pressure_for_eos_b.f read_pickup_b.f remove_mean_b.f reset_nlfs_vars_b.f rotate_uv2en_b.f salt_integrate_b.f temp_integrate_b.f seawater_b.f solve_for_pressure_b.f state_summary_b.f solve_pentadiagonal_b.f solve_tridiagonal_b.f taueddy_init_varia_b.f taueddy_tendency_apply_b.f timestep_b.f the_main_loop_b.f thermodynamics_b.f timestep_tracer_b.f tracers_correction_step_b.f update_cg2d_b.f update_etah_b.f update_etaws_b.f update_masks_etc_b.f update_r_star_b.f update_sigma_b.f update_surf_dr_b.f swfrac_b.f tapenade -b -ext "../../../tools/TAP_support/flow_tap" -head "the_main_loop(fc)/(xx_genarr3d_dummy, xx_genarr2d_dummy, xx_gentim2d_dummy)" autodiff_init_varia.f autodiff_store.f autodiff_restore.f cd_code_scheme.f cd_code_ini_vars.f cd_code_read_pickup.f cost_accumulate_mean.f cost_final.f cost_init_varia.f cost_tile.f cost_test.f cost_tracer.f cost_atlantic_heat.f cost_depth.f cost_vector.f cost_state_final.f ctrl_cost_driver.f ctrl_cost_gen.f ctrl_depth_ini.f ctrl_get_gen.f ctrl_get_gen_rec.f ctrl_get_mask.f ctrl_init_rec.f ctrl_init_variables.f ctrl_map_ini_genarr.f ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.f ctrl_map_forcing.f ctrl_map_genarr.f ctrl_map_gentim2d.f ctrl_getobcse.f ctrl_getobcsn.f ctrl_getobcss.f ctrl_getobcsw.f ctrl_init_obcs_variables.f ctrl_swapffields.f ctrl_toolbox.f alk_surfforcing.f bio_export.f calcite_saturation.f car_flux.f car_flux_omega_top.f carbon_chem.f dic_atmos.f dic_biotic_diags.f dic_biotic_forcing.f dic_biotic_init.f dic_cost.f dic_fields_load.f dic_fields_update.f dic_ini_atmos.f dic_ini_forcing.f dic_init_varia.f dic_read_pickup.f dic_read_co2_pickup.f dic_set_control.f dic_store_fluxco2.f dic_surfforcing.f dic_surfforcing_init.f fe_chem.f insol.f o2_surfforcing.f phos_flux.f gchem_add_tendency.f gchem_calc_tendency.f gchem_fields_load.f gchem_forcing_sep.f gchem_init_vari.f gchem_surfmean.f gad_advection.f gad_biharm_r.f gad_biharm_x.f gad_biharm_y.f gad_c2_adv_r.f gad_c2_impl_r.f gad_c2_adv_x.f gad_c2_adv_y.f gad_c4_adv_r.f gad_c4_adv_x.f gad_c4_adv_y.f gad_calc_rhs.f gad_del2.f gad_diff_r.f gad_diff_x.f gad_diff_y.f gad_dst2u1_adv_r.f gad_dst2u1_impl_r.f gad_dst2u1_adv_x.f gad_dst2u1_adv_y.f gad_dst3_adv_x.f gad_dst3_adv_y.f gad_dst3_adv_r.f gad_dst3fl_adv_x.f gad_dst3fl_adv_y.f gad_dst3fl_adv_r.f gad_dst3fl_impl_r.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_r.f gad_fluxlimit_impl_r.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_x.f gad_fluxlimit_adv_y.f gad_grad_x.f gad_grad_y.f gad_implicit_r.f gad_init_varia.f gad_os7mp_adv_x.f gad_os7mp_adv_y.f gad_os7mp_adv_r.f gad_read_pickup.f gad_u3_adv_r.f gad_u3c4_impl_r.f gad_u3_adv_x.f gad_u3_adv_y.f gad_som_advect.f gad_som_adv_r.f gad_som_adv_x.f gad_som_adv_y.f gad_som_fill_cs_corner.f gad_som_lim_r.f gad_som_prep_cs_corner.f gad_som_exchanges.f gad_exch_som.f gmredi_calc_diff.f gmredi_calc_psi_b.f gmredi_calc_tensor.f gmredi_do_exch.f gmredi_init_varia.f gmredi_residual_flow.f gmredi_rtransport.f gmredi_slope_limit.f gmredi_slope_psi.f gmredi_xtransport.f gmredi_ytransport.f gmredi_calc_qgleith.f mom_calc_absvort3.f mom_calc_hdiv.f mom_calc_hfacz.f mom_calc_ke.f mom_calc_relvort3.f mom_calc_strain.f mom_calc_tension.f mom_calc_visc.f mom_hdissip.f mom_quasihydrostatic.f mom_u_botdrag_coeff.f mom_u_coriolis_nh.f mom_u_metric_nh.f mom_u_rviscflux.f mom_u_sidedrag.f mom_v_botdrag_coeff.f mom_v_coriolis_nh.f mom_v_metric_nh.f mom_v_rviscflux.f mom_v_sidedrag.f mom_visc_qgl_limit.f mom_visc_qgl_stretch.f mom_calc_rtrans.f mom_fluxform.f mom_u_adv_uu.f mom_u_adv_vu.f mom_u_adv_wu.f mom_u_coriolis.f mom_u_del2u.f mom_u_metric_cylinder.f mom_u_metric_sphere.f mom_u_xviscflux.f mom_u_yviscflux.f mom_v_adv_uv.f mom_v_adv_vv.f mom_v_adv_wv.f mom_v_coriolis.f mom_v_del2v.f mom_v_metric_cylinder.f mom_v_metric_sphere.f mom_v_xviscflux.f mom_v_yviscflux.f mom_vecinv.f mom_vi_coriolis.f mom_vi_del2uv.f mom_vi_hdissip.f mom_vi_u_coriolis.f mom_vi_u_coriolis_c4.f mom_vi_u_grad_ke.f mom_vi_u_vertshear.f mom_vi_v_coriolis.f mom_vi_v_coriolis_c4.f mom_vi_v_grad_ke.f mom_vi_v_vertshear.f ptracers_calc_wsurf_tr.f ptracers_convect.f ptracers_fields_blocking_exch.f ptracers_apply_forcing.f ptracers_forcing_surf.f ptracers_init_varia.f ptracers_integrate.f ptracers_read_pickup.f ptracers_reset.f ptracers_switch_onoff.f read_fld_xyz_rs.f read_fld_xyz_rl.f read_fld_xy_rs.f read_fld_xy_rl.f read_rec.f timeave_cumul_1k1t.f timeave_cumul_1t.f timeave_cumul_1vfc.f timeave_cumul_2v.f timeave_cumul_2vfc.f timeave_cumulate.f timeave_cumul_dif_1t.f timeave_norma_2v.f timeave_normalize.f timeave_reset.f timeave_statvars.f timeave_statv_write.f timeave_surf_flux.f different_multiple.f fill_cs_corner_ag_rl.f fill_cs_corner_tr_rl.f fill_cs_corner_uv_rs.f fill_cs_corner_uv_rl.f get_periodic_interval.f lef_zero.f exch_sm_3d_rl.f exch_3d_rs.f exch_3d_rl.f exch_xy_rl.f exch_xy_rs.f exch_xyz_rl.f exch_xyz_rs.f exch_uv_3d_rs.f exch_uv_3d_rl.f exch_uv_xy_rs.f exch_uv_xy_rl.f exch_uv_xyz_rs.f exch_uv_xyz_rl.f exch_uv_agrid_3d_rs.f exch_uv_agrid_3d_rl.f exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rs.f exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rl.f adams_bashforth2.f adams_bashforth3.f apply_forcing.f calc_3d_diffusivity.f calc_adv_flow.f calc_div_ghat.f calc_grad_phi_fv.f calc_grad_phi_hyd.f calc_grad_phi_surf.f calc_ivdc.f calc_phi_hyd.f calc_r_star.f calc_surf_dr.f calc_viscosity.f calc_wsurf_tr.f cg2d_nsa.f convective_adjustment.f convective_adjustment_ini.f convective_weights.f convectively_mixtracer.f correction_step.f cycle_ab_tracer.f cycle_tracer.f diags_phi_hyd.f diags_phi_rlow.f diags_rho.f diags_sound_speed.f do_atmospheric_phys.f do_fields_blocking_exchanges.f do_oceanic_phys.f do_stagger_fields_exchanges.f dynamics.f external_fields_load.f external_forcing_surf.f forcing_surf_relax.f find_alpha.f find_rho.f forward_step.f freesurf_rescale_g.f freeze_surface.f grad_sigma.f impldiff.f ini_cg2d.f ini_depths.f ini_ffields.f ini_fields.f ini_forcing.f ini_mixing.f ini_nh_fields.f ini_nlfs_vars.f ini_p_ground.f ini_pressure.f ini_psurf.f ini_salt.f ini_theta.f ini_dynvars.f ini_vel.f initialise_varia.f integrate_for_w.f integr_continuity.f load_fields_driver.f load_grid_spacing.f main_do_loop.f momentum_correction_step.f packages_init_variables.f pressure_for_eos.f read_pickup.f remove_mean.f reset_nlfs_vars.f rotate_uv2en.f salt_integrate.f temp_integrate.f seawater.f solve_for_pressure.f state_summary.f solve_pentadiagonal.f solve_tridiagonal.f taueddy_init_varia.f taueddy_tendency_apply.f timestep.f the_main_loop.f thermodynamics.f timestep_tracer.f tracers_correction_step.f update_cg2d.f update_etah.f update_etaws.f update_masks_etc.f update_r_star.f update_sigma.f update_surf_dr.f swfrac.f f95_test_mods.f90 ../../../tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/adStack.c(76): warning #3180: unrecognized OpenMP #pragma #pragma omp threadprivate(tappos, tapblock, curStack, adbitbuf, adbitibuf, topRepetitionPoint) ^ Tapenade 3.16 (develop) - 3 Sep 2024 08:52 - Java 1.8.0_382 Linux @@ TAPENADE_HOME=/lustre/home/dutao/perl5/quin/tapenade_3.16/bin/.. System: Not a tree operator: BOP in autodiff_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in autodiff_store.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in autodiff_restore.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for CD_CODE package in cd_code_scheme.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for CD_CODE package in cd_code_ini_vars.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for CD_CODE package in cd_code_read_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_accumulate_mean.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_final.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_tile.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_test.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_tracer.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_atlantic_heat.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_depth.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_vector.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cost_state_final.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_cost_driver.f System: Not a tree operator: ---------------------------------------------------------------- in ctrl_cost_gen.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_depth_ini.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_get_gen.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_get_gen_rec.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_get_mask.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_init_rec.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_init_variables.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_map_ini_genarr.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_map_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_map_genarr.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_map_gentim2d.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_getobcse.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_getobcsn.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_getobcss.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_getobcsw.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_init_obcs_variables.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_swapffields.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ctrl_toolbox.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in alk_surfforcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in bio_export.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calcite_saturation.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in car_flux.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in car_flux_omega_top.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in carbon_chem.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_atmos.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_biotic_diags.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_biotic_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_biotic_init.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_cost.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_fields_load.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_fields_update.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_ini_atmos.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_ini_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_read_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_read_co2_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_set_control.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_store_fluxco2.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_surfforcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dic_surfforcing_init.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in fe_chem.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in insol.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in o2_surfforcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in phos_flux.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_add_tendency.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_calc_tendency.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_fields_load.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_forcing_sep.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_init_vari.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gchem_surfmean.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_advection.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_biharm_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_biharm_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_biharm_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c2_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c2_impl_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c2_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c2_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c4_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c4_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_c4_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_calc_rhs.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_del2.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_diff_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_diff_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_diff_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst2u1_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst2u1_impl_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst2u1_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst2u1_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3fl_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3fl_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3fl_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_dst3fl_impl_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_fluxlimit_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_fluxlimit_impl_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_fluxlimit_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_fluxlimit_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_grad_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_grad_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_implicit_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_os7mp_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_os7mp_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_os7mp_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_read_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_u3_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_u3c4_impl_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_u3_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_u3_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_advect.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_adv_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_adv_x.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_adv_y.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_fill_cs_corner.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_lim_r.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_prep_cs_corner.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_som_exchanges.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in gad_exch_som.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_calc_diff.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_calc_psi_b.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_calc_tensor.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_do_exch.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_residual_flow.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_rtransport.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_slope_limit.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_slope_psi.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_xtransport.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_ytransport.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for GM/Redi package in gmredi_calc_qgleith.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_absvort3.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_hdiv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_hfacz.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_ke.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_relvort3.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_strain.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_tension.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_calc_visc.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_hdissip.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_quasihydrostatic.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_u_botdrag_coeff.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_u_coriolis_nh.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_u_metric_nh.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_u_rviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_u_sidedrag.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_v_botdrag_coeff.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_v_coriolis_nh.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_v_metric_nh.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_v_rviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_v_sidedrag.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_visc_qgl_limit.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_common package in mom_visc_qgl_stretch.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_calc_rtrans.f System: Not a tree operator: BOI in mom_fluxform.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_adv_uu.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_adv_vu.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_adv_wu.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_coriolis.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_del2u.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_metric_cylinder.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_metric_sphere.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_xviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_u_yviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_adv_uv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_adv_vv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_adv_wv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_coriolis.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_del2v.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_metric_cylinder.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_metric_sphere.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_xviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_fluxform package in mom_v_yviscflux.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vecinv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_coriolis.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_del2uv.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_hdissip.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_u_coriolis.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_u_coriolis_c4.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_u_grad_ke.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_u_vertshear.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_v_coriolis.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_v_coriolis_c4.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_v_grad_ke.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for mom_vecinv package in mom_vi_v_vertshear.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_calc_wsurf_tr.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_convect.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_fields_blocking_exch.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_apply_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_forcing_surf.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_integrate.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ptracers_read_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_reset.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for PTRACERS package in ptracers_switch_onoff.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for Read-Write (RW) package in read_fld_xyz_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for Read-Write (RW) package in read_fld_xyz_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for Read-Write (RW) package in read_fld_xy_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for Read-Write (RW) package in read_fld_xy_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: CPP options file for Read-Write (RW) package in read_rec.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_1k1t.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_1t.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_1vfc.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_2v.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_2vfc.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumulate.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_cumul_dif_1t.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_norma_2v.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_normalize.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_reset.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_statvars.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_statv_write.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timeave_surf_flux.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in different_multiple.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in fill_cs_corner_ag_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in fill_cs_corner_tr_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in fill_cs_corner_uv_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in fill_cs_corner_uv_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in get_periodic_interval.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in lef_zero.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_sm_3d_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in exch_3d_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in exch_3d_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_xy_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_xy_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in exch_xyz_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in exch_xyz_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_3d_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_3d_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_xy_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_xy_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_xyz_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_xyz_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_agrid_3d_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_agrid_3d_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rs.f System: Not a tree operator: ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| in exch_uv_dgrid_3d_rl.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in adams_bashforth2.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in adams_bashforth3.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in apply_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_3d_diffusivity.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_adv_flow.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_div_ghat.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_grad_phi_fv.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_grad_phi_hyd.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_grad_phi_surf.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_ivdc.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_phi_hyd.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_r_star.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_surf_dr.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_viscosity.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in calc_wsurf_tr.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cg2d_nsa.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in convective_adjustment.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in convective_adjustment_ini.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in convective_weights.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in convectively_mixtracer.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in correction_step.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cycle_ab_tracer.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in cycle_tracer.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in diags_phi_hyd.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in diags_phi_rlow.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in diags_rho.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in diags_sound_speed.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in do_atmospheric_phys.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in do_fields_blocking_exchanges.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in do_oceanic_phys.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in do_stagger_fields_exchanges.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in dynamics.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in external_fields_load.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in external_forcing_surf.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in forcing_surf_relax.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in find_alpha.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in find_rho.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in forward_step.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in freesurf_rescale_g.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in freeze_surface.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in grad_sigma.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in impldiff.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_cg2d.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_depths.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_ffields.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_fields.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_forcing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_mixing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_nh_fields.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_nlfs_vars.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_p_ground.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_pressure.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_psurf.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_salt.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_theta.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_dynvars.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in ini_vel.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in initialise_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in integrate_for_w.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in integr_continuity.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in load_fields_driver.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in load_grid_spacing.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in main_do_loop.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in momentum_correction_step.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in packages_init_variables.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in pressure_for_eos.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in read_pickup.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in remove_mean.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in reset_nlfs_vars.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in rotate_uv2en.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in salt_integrate.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in temp_integrate.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in seawater.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in solve_for_pressure.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in state_summary.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in solve_pentadiagonal.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in solve_tridiagonal.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in taueddy_init_varia.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in taueddy_tendency_apply.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timestep.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in the_main_loop.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in thermodynamics.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in timestep_tracer.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in tracers_correction_step.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_cg2d.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_etah.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_etaws.f System: Not a tree operator: ml#ifdef ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL in update_masks_etc.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_r_star.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_sigma.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in update_surf_dr.f System: Not a tree operator: BOP in swfrac.f System: Not a tree operator: A necessary module for TAPENADE in f95_test_mods.f90 Command: unit the_main_loop: not found Command: No root unit to differentiate File: The code provided does not contain a top procedure @@ Created ./autodiff_init_varia_b.msg make: *** [ad_exe_target] Interrupt