[MITgcm-support] cubed sphere question - higher resolution grid files?

Flynn Ames f.ames at pgr.reading.ac.uk
Thu Feb 13 10:44:58 EST 2025

Thanks very much both, I will give both of these a try!

From: MITgcm-support <mitgcm-support-bounces at mitgcm.org> on behalf of Dimitris Menemenlis <dmenemenlis at gmail.com>
Sent: 09 February 2025 7:15 PM
To: MITgcm Support <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
Subject: Re: [MITgcm-support] cubed sphere question - higher resolution grid files?

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Hi Flynn, in case cs96 is not sufficient, a set of routines that can generate cubed-sphere topologies is available here:

There may be newer versions available somewhere but this is the code that Chris Hill and I used to generate the cs510 grid,
"It Was Twenty Years Ago Today"!

Cheers, D.

On Feb 8, 2025, at 8:03 PM, Jean-Michel Campin <jmc at mit.edu> wrote:

Hi Flynn,

I don't remember where the code to generate cubed-sphere grid is, and others might be able
to provide more useful information for this.

Now I have a set of cs-96 grid (about 1.degre resolution) that I was using,
and put a tar (+ gzip) file there:
Normally, you should be able to get this file, if this resolution fits your need.


On Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 04:47:47PM +0000, Flynn Ames wrote:
Dear MITgcm people,

Hello - I'm using the MITgcm in its global, cubed-sphere configuration, currently with a cs32 grid (32x32 points for each cube face).
I'd like to perform some sensitivity tests to a higher resolution, e.g., with a cs64 grid.

However, I haven't been able to find grid files with a resolution higher than cs32 (despite papers existing that have used a cs64 configuration etc.).
I would attempt to make these files myself, although I'm unsure how I would go about doing this.

I'm hoping to ask: does anyone know of where I could find cubed sphere grid files with a higher resolution than cs32? Or if there is a utility I can use to create the grid files myself?

Thanks in advance!

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