[MITgcm-support] GMREDI without the small slope approximation

Flynn Ames f.ames at pgr.reading.ac.uk
Fri Apr 21 12:38:19 EDT 2023

Dear MITgcm community,

Hello - I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried implementing (or has implemented) GMREDI into the MITgcm without making the small slope approximation?

This is something I would like to do as I'm modelling a deep, ice-covered ocean where the steep isopycnals that develop violate the small slope approximation over much of the domain.

I may be being naive here, but looking at the MITgcm documentation, the terms that are neglected in the REDI projection tensor when making the small slope approximation appear to consist of quantities that are already computed in the model (Sx, Sy etc.).
I'm hoping to ask: Does anyone know if it would just be a case of putting these extra terms into the REDI tensor in the model? or is there a lot that I'm missing here? - I'm guessing the latter :)

Thank you for your time!

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