[MITgcm-support] Adding a strictly westward advective velocity on the LLC grids

Julian Mak jclmak at ust.hk
Tue Oct 26 04:16:47 EDT 2021

Dear MITgcm users/developers,

Probably a niche question: I have something I am looking to advect on the LLC
grid (in this case some parameterised energy at the depth mean velocity and
westward by the Rossby phase speed). To my understanding (please correct if I am
wrong) the depth mean velocity is essentially trivial to construct, and
computing the relevant advective tendencies on the center grid points is just
the usual procedures. But is there an easy way to make sure that I construct a
velocity field that is strictly westwards for the Rossby wave part on the LLC
grid? Failing that, any guidance on what routines to look into would be

Best wishes,

Julian Mak,
Department of Ocean Science,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clearwater Bay,
Hong Kong
e-mail: jclmak at ust.hk
www: https://julianmak.github.io/

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