[MITgcm-support] 回复: MITgcm-support Digest, Vol 199, Issue 6

pan fei feiamanda at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 9 09:54:48 EST 2020

Hi Matt and ED,
Thanks for your reply. Today I have checked the output again. Interesingly, I found that only the currents of the first layer are strange (large value near the equator, while little value outside the equator). But the currents of the second to 30th layer (there are 30 layers of the model) look OK (there are strong western boundary currents and ACC in these layers). I'm quite confused about why the currents of the first layer are so strange.
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发送时间: 2020年1月8日 10:30
收件人: mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
主题: MITgcm-support Digest, Vol 199, Issue 6

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Today's Topics:

   1. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physical       Oceanography
      (Maarten Buijsman)
   2. ??: MITgcm-support Digest, Vol 199, Issue 5 (pan fei)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 17:07:55 +0000
From: Maarten Buijsman <Maarten.Buijsman at usm.edu>
To: "mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org" <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
Subject: [MITgcm-support] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physical
        <BY5PR10MB384445FA3FEF612591895E60803F0 at BY5PR10MB3844.namprd10.prod.outlook.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

A postdoctoral position in physical oceanography is available in the Division of Marine Science in the School of Ocean Science and Engineering (SOSE) at The University of Southern Mississippi. The successful candidate will work on the three-year Task Force Ocean (TFO) project ?Modeling, characterizing, and predicting effects of internal gravity waves on acoustic propagation on basin to global scales?, which is supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Applications must be submitted through the jobs.usm.edu candidate portal (https://usm.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?id=1271&site=1; job#: req1271 ). For full consideration, send by 1/31/2020: 1) letter of interest, 2) vitae, 3) names and contact information of three references.  All attachments must be uploaded at the time of submission. The initial appointment will be for one year with the possibility of an extension depending on demonstrated progress and continued funding. For questions regarding this position, please contact Dr. Maarten Buijsman by email: maarten.buijsman at usm.edu<file:///C:/Users/w944461/Documents/work/usm_admin/postdoc/TFO/maarten.buijsman@usm.edu>

The main goal of this position is to advance our understanding of (tidal) internal gravity waves in global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) simulations: i.e., their generation, dispersion, interactions with the background flow, and dissipation. Stationary internal tides ?dissipate? due to the scattering of energy to the nonstationary tide and to higher harmonics. The scattering to higher harmonics can be due to the nonlinear steepening of energetic internal tides. One objective is to determine how well this process is simulated in hydrostatic global ocean model simulations with various horizontal and vertical resolutions.

The successful candidate is expected to diagnose internal wave energetics in HYCOM simulations, validate these simulations with existing observations, assist in performing HYCOM simulations (if needed), collaborate with project scientists and students, write first-author manuscripts for peer-review publications (~1/year) related to the ONR-TFO project and participate as co-author on other manuscripts, disseminate scientific results at national/international conferences and ONR meetings, contribute to annual report preparation, as required by the funding agency, and perform other duties as assigned.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in physical oceanography or similar field awarded no later than May 31, 2020.  Applicants must also have a publication record that illustrates ability to conduct and communicate independent research as well as experience and proficiency in coding, performing (nonhydrostatic) numerical model simulations, time series analysis, internal wave processes, and ocean mixing. The successful candidate will be required to pass a NASA background security check to work at Stennis, and a USM employment background check. The preferred candidate has experience in coding in Matlab and Fortran, analyzed HYCOM simulations, diagnosed internal wave energy equations, understanding of vertical mode decomposition, and performed multi-processor simulations on super computers.

The SOSE includes two academic divisions, Marine Science, and Coastal Sciences, and several R&D centers including: Hydrographic Science Research Center, Marine Research Center, and Thad Cochran Marine Aquaculture Center.  The Division of Marine Science is based at the NASA Stennis Space Center. John C. Stennis Space Center is a ?federal city? that boasts the world?s largest concentration of oceanographers and hydrographers. Marine Science faculty benefit from close working relationships with a number of on-site federal agencies, including the Naval Research Laboratory-Stennis Space Center, the Naval Oceanographic Office, the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, the USGS and NOAA, including the National Data Buoy Center, and the National Centers for Environmental Information.

As an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer/Americans with Disabilities Act institution, The University of Southern Mississippi encourages minorities, women, veterans and persons with disabilities to apply. For more information about Southern Miss, visit our website at http://www.usm.edu.

Maarten Buijsman (maarten.buijsman at usm.edu)
Assistant Professor Physical Oceanography
University of Southern Mississippi
Division of Marine Science
1020 Balch Blvd
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
Phone: 228.688.2385 , Fax: 228.688.1121
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 02:30:25 +0000
From: pan fei <feiamanda at hotmail.com>
To: "mitgcm-support-request at mitgcm.org"
        <mitgcm-support-request at mitgcm.org>, "mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org"
        <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
Subject: [MITgcm-support] ??: MITgcm-support Digest, Vol 199, Issue 5
        <PS2PR06MB3464E864A3228082C39409B9A33E0 at PS2PR06MB3464.apcprd06.prod.outlook.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"

Hi Matt,

I have checked the diagnosed wind stress, the wind stress pattern and value are OK.
Strangely, I can successfully run the 4-degree configuration of global_with_exf, and the currents seem OK, but when I increased the resolution to 1grid*1grid, there are little currents outside the equator (even at the time of 100 years).

Here is my data.exf and EXF_OPTIONS.h.

# *********************
# External Forcing Data
# *********************
 exf_iprec         = 32,
 exf_debugLev      = 3,

# *********************
#hfluxstartdate1   = 19920101,
#hfluxstartdate2   = 000000,
 hfluxperiod       = -12.,
#sfluxstartdate1   = 19920101,
#sfluxstartdate2   = 000000,
 sfluxperiod       = -12.,
#ustressstartdate1 = 19920101,
#ustressstartdate2 = 000000,
 ustressperiod     = -12.,
#vstressstartdate1 = 19920101,
#vstressstartdate2 = 000000,
 vstressperiod     = -12.,
#climsststartdate1 = 19920101,
#climsststartdate2 = 000000,
 climsstperiod     = -12.,
# 2 months restoring timescale for temperature
 climsstTauRelax   = 5184000.,
#climsssstartdate1 = 19920101,
#climsssstartdate2 = 000000,
 climsssperiod     = -12.,
# 6 months restoring timescale for salinity
 climsssTauRelax   = 15552000.,
 hfluxfile    = 'qnet.bin',
 sfluxfile    = 'emp.bin',
# here we deviate from the general pattern and prescribe a forcing fiels
# with (i,j)=(1,1) at the NW (.flipped) instead of the SW (.bin) corner
# to test the correpsonding code, see also below
 ustressfile  = 'taux.bin',
 vstressfile  = 'tauy.bin',
 climsstfile  = 'SST.bin',
 climsssfile  = 'SSS.bin',

# *********************

# *********************
 hflux_lon0    = 0.,
 hflux_lon_inc = 1.,
 hflux_lat0    = -80.,
 hflux_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 hflux_nlon    = 360,
 hflux_nlat    = 160,
 sflux_lon0    = 0.,
 sflux_lon_inc = 1.,
 sflux_lat0    = -80.,
 sflux_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 sflux_nlon    = 360,
 sflux_nlat    = 160,
 ustress_lon0    = 0.,
 ustress_lon_inc = 1.,
 ustress_lat0    = -80.,
 ustress_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 ustress_nlon    = 360,
 ustress_nlat    = 160,
 vstress_lon0    = 0.,
 vstress_lon_inc = 1.,
 vstress_lat0    = -80.,
 vstress_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 vstress_nlon    = 360,
 vstress_nlat    = 160,
 climsst_lon0    = 0.,
 climsst_lon_inc = 1.,
 climsst_lat0    = -80.,
 climsst_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 climsst_nlon    = 360,
 climsst_nlat    = 160,
 climsss_lon0    = 0.,
 climsss_lon_inc = 1.,
 climsss_lat0    = -80.,
 climsss_lat_inc = 159*1.,
 climsss_nlon    = 360,
 climsss_nlat    = 160,


C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/verification/global_with_exf/code/EXF_OPTIONS.h,v 1.8 2013/10/05 19:53:17 jmc Exp $
C $Name: checkpoint65o $

C #include "EXF_OPTIONS.h"

C *==================================================================*
C | CPP options file for EXternal Forcing (EXF) package:
C | Control which optional features to compile in this package code.
C *==================================================================*

#include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
#include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"

#ifdef ALLOW_EXF

C-- When multi-package option-file ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h is used (directly included
C    in CPP_OPTIONS.h), this option file is left empty since all options that
C   are specific to this package are assumed to be set in ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h

#else /* ndef ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H */

C-- Package-specific Options & Macros go here

C   pkg/exf CPP options:
C   --------------------
C   > ( EXF_VERBOSE ) < replaced with run-time, logical parameter "exf_verbose".
C   >>> ALLOW_ATM_WIND <<<
C       If defined, 10-m wind fields can be read-in from files.
C   >>> ALLOW_ATM_TEMP <<<
C       If defined, atmospheric temperature and specific
C       humidity fields can be read-in from files.
C       If defined, downward long-wave and short-wave radiation
C       can be read-in form files or computed from lwflux and swflux.
C       If defined, ocean albedo varies with the zenith angle, and
C       incoming fluxes at the top of the atmosphere are computed
C       Allows the use of bulk formulae in order to estimate
C       turbulent and radiative fluxes at the ocean surface.
C   >>> EXF_READ_EVAP <<<
C       If defined, evaporation fields are read-in, rather than
C       computed from atmospheric state.
C   >>> ALLOW_RUNOFF <<<
C       If defined, river and glacier runoff can be read-in from files.
C       If defined, river and glacier runoff temperature
C       can be read-in from files.
C       If defined, atmospheric pressure can be read-in from files.
C   WARNING: this flag is set (define/undef) in CPP_OPTIONS.h
C            and cannot be changed here (in EXF_OPTIONS)
C       If defined, seaice fraction can be read-in from files (areaMaskFile)
C       Allow the relaxation to a monthly climatology of sea surface
C       temperature, e.g. the Reynolds climatology.
C       Allow the relaxation to a monthly climatology of sea surface
C       salinity, e.g. the Levitus climatology.
C       Allows specification of arbitrary Cartesian input grids.
C   ====================================================================
C       The following CPP options:
C          ALLOW_ATM_WIND              (WIND)
C          ALLOW_ATM_TEMP              (TEMP)
C          ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE          (BULK)
C          EXF_READ_EVAP               (EVAP)
C       permit the ocean-model forcing configurations listed in the
C       table below.  The first configuration is the default,
C       flux-forced, ocean model.  The next four are stand-alone
C       configurations that use pkg/exf, open-water bulk formulae to
C       compute the missing surface fluxes from atmospheric variables.
C       The last four configurations can be used in conjunction with
C       pkg/seaice to model ice-covered regions.  The forcing fields
C       in the rightmost column are defined in exf_fields.
C    WIND |TEMP |DOWN |BULK |EVAP |            actions
C    -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-------------------------------------
C         |     |     |     |     |
C      -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | Read-in ustress, vstress, hflux,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, and sflux.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def | def | def |  -  | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swdown, lwdown, precip, and runoff.
C         |     |     |     |     | Compute ustress, vstress, hflux,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, and sflux.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def |  -  | def |  -  | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, lwflux, precip, and runoff.
C         |     |     |     |     | Compute ustress, vstress, hflux,
C         |     |     |     |     | and sflux.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def |  -  |  -  | def |  -  | Read-in uwind, vwind, hflux,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, and sflux.
C         |     |     |     |     | Compute ustress and vstress.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C      -  | def |  -  | def |  -  | Read-in ustress, vstress, atemp,
C         |     |     |     |     | aqh, swflux, lwflux, precip, and
C         |     |     |     |     | runoff.  Compute hflux and sflux.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def |  -  |  -  | def | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, lwflux, precip, runoff,
C         |     |     |     |     | and evap.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def |  -  | def |  -  | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swflux, lwflux, precip, and runoff.
C         |     |     |     |     | Compute open-water ustress, vstress,
C         |     |     |     |     | hflux, swflux, and evap.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def | def |  -  | def | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swdown, lwdown, precip, runoff,
C         |     |     |     |     | and evap.
C         |     |     |     |     |
C     def | def | def | def |  -  | Read-in uwind, vwind, atemp, aqh,
C         |     |     |     |     | swdown, lwdown, precip, and runoff.
C         |     |     |     |     | Compute open-water ustress, vstress,
C         |     |     |     |     | hflux, swflux, and evap.
C   ====================================================================

C   Bulk formulae related flags.
#if (defined (ALLOW_ATM_TEMP) || defined (ALLOW_ATM_WIND))

C   Zenith Angle/Albedo related flags.

C   Use ocean_emissivity*lwdown in lwFlux. This flag should be defined
C   unless to reproduce old results (obtained with inconsistent old code)

C   Relaxation to monthly climatologies.

C   Allows to read-in seaice fraction from files (areaMaskFile)

C   Use spatial interpolation to interpolate
C   forcing files from input grid to model grid.
C   for interpolated vector fields, rotate towards model-grid axis
C   using old rotation formulae (instead of grid-angles)
C   for interpolation around N & S pole, use the old formulation
C   (no pole symmetry, single vector-comp interp, reset to 0 zonal-comp @ N.pole)

#if ( defined (EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC) && defined (USING_THREADS) )

#endif /* ndef ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H */
#endif /* ALLOW_EXF */
#endif /* EXF_OPTIONS_H */

Thank you so much.



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??: MITgcm-support Digest, Vol 199, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: a question about the currents (Matthew Mazloff)
   2. A question about the currents (pan fei)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 19:26:50 -0800
From: Matthew Mazloff <mmazloff at ucsd.edu>
To: mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org
Subject: Re: [MITgcm-support] a question about the currents
Message-ID: <4E25C96D-EEFE-412B-A45D-B5C4F914E625 at ucsd.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii

Hi Fei

How does your wind stress look? That is the first thing I would check.


> On Jan 6, 2020, at 7:21 PM, 979583702 <979583702 at qq.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Recently, I ran a global ocean model configuration which is similar with the global_with_exf but with 1 grid*1 grid resolution. Strangely, I found the currents  mainly located on the equator (e.g., strong westward currents over eastern equatorial Pacific), and there are no western boundary currents and  ACC.
> Attached are the currents at the time of 40 years.
> Here is my data file:
> # ====================
> # | Model parameters |
> # ====================
> #
> # Continuous equation parameters
>  &PARM01
>  tRef= 13.72 , 12.82 , 11.57 , 10.35 , 9.38 ,
>        8.62 , 7.99 , 7.45 , 6.91 , 6.45 ,
>        5.99 , 5.63 , 5.26 , 4.97 , 4.68 ,
>        4.44 , 4.20 , 4.06 , 3.85 , 3.68 ,
>        3.51 , 3.22 , 2.99 , 2.80 , 2.62 ,
>        2.47 , 1.93 , 1.61 , 1.27 , 1.23 ,
>  sRef = 30*34.,
>  viscAr=1.E-4,
> # viscAh=2.E2,
>  viscAh=1.E0,
>  viscAhGrid=2.E-2,
>  diffKhT=0.,
>  diffKrT=2.E-5,
>  diffKhS=0.,
>  diffKrS=2.E-5,
>  rhonil=1035.,
>  rhoConstFresh=1000.,
>  eosType = 'JMD95Z',
>  ivdc_kappa=100.,
>  implicitDiffusion=.TRUE.,
>  allowFreezing=.TRUE.,
>  exactConserv=.TRUE.,
>  useRealFreshWaterFlux=.TRUE.,
>  useCDscheme=.TRUE.,
> # turn on looped cells
>  hFacMin=.05,
>  hFacMindr=50.,
>  useSingleCpuIO=.TRUE.,
> # set precision of data files
>  readBinaryPrec=32,
>  &
> # Elliptic solver parameters
>  &PARM02
>  cg2dMaxIters=500,
>  cg2dTargetResidual=1.E-13,
>  &
> # Time stepping parameters
>  &PARM03
>  nIter0 =      0,
>  nTimeSteps = 864000,
> # 100 years of integration will yield a reasonable flow field
> # startTime  =          0.,
> # endTime    = 3110400000.,
>  deltaTmom = 300.0,
>  tauCD =     321428.,
>  deltaTtracer= 1800.0,
>  deltaTClock = 3600.0,
> # if you are using a version later than checkpoint45d on the main branch
> # you can uncomment the following line and increase the time step
> # deltaTtracer and deltaTClock to 172800.0 as well to speed up the
> # asynchronous time stepping
> # deltaTfreesurf = 172800.0,
>  abEps = 0.1,
>  pChkptFreq= 31104000.,
> # dumpFreq=   311040000.,
> # dumpFreq=   864000.,
> # taveFreq=   311040000.,
>  taveFreq=   2592000.,
>  monitorFreq=720.,
>  &
> # Gridding parameters
>  &PARM04
>  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
>  delR= 10., 15., 20., 30., 40.,
>       50., 50., 60., 60., 60.,
>       60., 60., 60., 60., 60.,
>       60., 60., 60., 70., 70.,
>       70., 100., 140., 200., 250.,
>       320., 420., 550., 650., 800.,
>  ygOrigin=-80.,
>  xgOrigin=0.,
>  dySpacing=1.,
>  dxSpacing=1.,
>  &
> # Input datasets
>  &PARM05
>  bathyFile=      'bathymetry.bin',
> # hydrogThetaFile='lev_t.bin',
> # hydrogSaltFile= 'lev_s.bin',
>  &
> Thank you so much.
> Best,
> Fei
> <currents.png>_______________________________________________
> MITgcm-support mailing list
> MITgcm-support at mitgcm.org
> http://mailman.mitgcm.org/mailman/listinfo/mitgcm-support


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 04:26:52 +0000
From: pan fei <feiamanda at hotmail.com>
To: "mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org" <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
Subject: [MITgcm-support] A question about the currents
        <PS2PR06MB34649FCB268ADE0F58A8CDBDA33F0 at PS2PR06MB3464.apcprd06.prod.outlook.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"

I'm really sorry for the disturbance. I found the text of my previous email consisted of error codes, maybe it is related to my email. So I use another email to resend the question. Thank you so much.

Hi everyone,

Recently, I ran a global ocean model configuration which is similar with the global_with_exf but with 1 grid*1 grid resolution. Strangely, I found the currents were mainly located on the equator (e.g., strong westward currents over eastern equatorial Pacific), and there are no western boundary currents and  ACC.

Attached are the currents at the time of 40 years.

Here is my data file:

# ====================
# | Model parameters |
# ====================
# Continuous equation parameters
 tRef= 13.72 , 12.82 , 11.57 , 10.35 , 9.38 ,
       8.62 , 7.99 , 7.45 , 6.91 , 6.45 ,
       5.99 , 5.63 , 5.26 , 4.97 , 4.68 ,
       4.44 , 4.20 , 4.06 , 3.85 , 3.68 ,
       3.51 , 3.22 , 2.99 , 2.80 , 2.62 ,
       2.47 , 1.93 , 1.61 , 1.27 , 1.23 ,
 sRef = 30*34.,
# viscAh=2.E2,
 eosType = 'JMD95Z',
# turn on looped cells
# set precision of data files

# Elliptic solver parameters

# Time stepping parameters
 nIter0 =      0,
 nTimeSteps = 864000,
# 100 years of integration will yield a reasonable flow field
# startTime  =          0.,
# endTime    = 3110400000.,
 deltaTmom = 300.0,
 tauCD =     321428.,
 deltaTtracer= 1800.0,
 deltaTClock = 3600.0,
# if you are using a version later than checkpoint45d on the main branch
# you can uncomment the following line and increase the time step
# deltaTtracer and deltaTClock to 172800.0 as well to speed up the
# asynchronous time stepping
# deltaTfreesurf = 172800.0,
 abEps = 0.1,
 pChkptFreq= 31104000.,
# dumpFreq=   311040000.,
# dumpFreq=   864000.,
# taveFreq=   311040000.,
 taveFreq=   2592000.,

# Gridding parameters
 delR= 10., 15., 20., 30., 40.,
      50., 50., 60., 60., 60.,
      60., 60., 60., 60., 60.,
      60., 60., 60., 70., 70.,
      70., 100., 140., 200., 250.,
      320., 420., 550., 650., 800.,

# Input datasets
 bathyFile=      'bathymetry.bin',
# hydrogThetaFile='lev_t.bin',
# hydrogSaltFile= 'lev_s.bin',
Thank you so much.
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