[MITgcm-support] Monthly averaged OBCS with useOBCSYearlyFields

Naughten, Kaitlin A. kaight at bas.ac.uk
Fri Oct 25 05:37:45 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run with monthly-averaged OBCS which change every year (useOBCSYearlyFields=true) and a Gregorian calendar meaning the months are different lengths. I am not sure that the code allows me to do this. I have tried two different things:

  1.  Set obcs*period to 2592000 (30 days) and hope that the code turns it into a "real" month, as it does for the diagnostics. This doesn't seem to work as the model dies near the end of the first year when wants a 13th record to interpolate to, and can't find it.
  2.  Set obcs*period to -12 as you do for a repeating monthly climatology. Now the code dies because it's constructing a weird file name which doesn't exist (seems to be either UVEL_piControl.OBCS_N or UVEL_piControl.OBCS_N.001.001.data when it should just be UVEL_piControl.OBCS_N_1979). Looking through the code in obcs_exf_load, it seems that obcs*period=-12 isn't set up to work with useOBCSYearlyFields, because the variables year0 and year1 are never initialised.

What do you suggest I do? Is there a way to set a non-constant OBCS period so the months can be different lengths? Or, an easy way to add this functionality to the code?

Many thanks,
Kaitlin Naughten

Dr Kaitlin Naughten | Ocean-Ice Modeller | British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: kaight at bas.ac.uk<mailto:kaight at bas.ac.uk>

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