[MITgcm-support] Friction velocity ustar in S/R exf_wind.F

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Mon Apr 23 09:30:12 EDT 2018

Hi Stanislav,

I think you got me convinced that there is a problem. The code has been around for a long time (the routine was first introduced in 2006), but the code was there even earlier in the ecco branch. I can’t figure out who added the code originally, in order ask if we are overlooking something, but maybe someone on this list feels responsible and can check …
In a quick check, it seems that this does not affect any of the forward tests that we run regularily. That means that this code is probably not used very often, probably a reason why this did go unnoticed for such a long time.

If you want to, you could contribute the bug-fix yourself to the still relatively new git repository, see here how to do that: <https://mitgcm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing/contributing.html>


See further comments below:

> On 22. Apr 2018, at 15:04, Stanislav Martyanov <martyanov.sd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin!
> Thank your for your reply. Yes, I understand that some optimization
> was made for the computational reasons. But I still have some doubts
> about the used formula for ustar in s/r exf_wind. I'll try to explain
> what I mean in detail.
> So, let's see the code in exf_wind.f with my brief comments:
> Line 146-153: We calculate usSq = (ustress*ustress) +
> (vstress*vstress). Both ustress and vstress have units [N/m^2] because
> they are the wind stress vector's components along X and Y axes. After
> that we obtain variable usSq which has unit [ (N/m^2)^2 ]. It is OK.
> Line 156: wStress = SQRT(usSq). So wStress is now in [N/m^2]. That is
> OK too, because wStress is just a module of wind vector.
This is already wrong, because usSq is stress squared. It should be SQRT(SQRT(usSq))/atmrho). The rest are follow up errors.
> Line 157: c            ustar = SQRT(usSq/atmrho). This is a correct
> statement, but it is commented.
> Line 176: recip_sqrtRhoA = 1. _d 0 / SQRT(atmrho). That is OK, we are
> optimizing the code for the further computations.
> Line 179: ustar = wStress*recip_sqrtRhoA.    Now that is a problem, as
> I think. Because after that, ustar has units (N/m^2) / (kg/m^3)^0.5.
> But it has to have units as friction velocity - [m/s]. The problem is
> that we have not taken another one SQRT.
I agree that this should fix it:
> If we rewrite, adding additional SQRT, as:
> ustar = SQRT(wStress)*recip_sqrtRhoA,
> then the units of ustar will be [m/s] as it should be. Friction
> velocity is basically determined as SQRT(stress/density).
> Best regards,
> Stanislav
>> Hi Stanislav,
>> I am no expert on this, but did you see lines 156/157:
>>             wStress(i,j,bi,bj) = SQRT(usSq)
>> c            ustar = SQRT(usSq/atmrho)
>> so ustar should be sqrt(usSq/atmrho). for algorithmic reasons wstress=sqrt(usSq) is computed first and then divided by sqrt(atmrho) later in lin 179. To this makes sense, although it’s not very easy to read.
>> Martin
>> On 4. Mar 2018, at 13:58, Stanislav Martyanov <martyanov.sd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I think it should be
>> ustar = SQRT (wStress(i,j,bi,bj) / atmrho)
>> rather than
>> ustar = wStress(i,j,bi,bj)*recip_sqrtRhoA
>> in exf package in S/R exf_winf.F (line 179)?
>> In the current version wStress is not affected by the function SQRT,
>> but should be, in my opinion.
>> Best regards,
>> Stanislav
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