[MITgcm-support] open boundaries

rahele shafiee rahele_shafiee at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 8 10:21:43 EST 2017

Hi everyone,In MITgcm model, my bathymetry file is as 296*392 , with open boundaries at 9N, 94E, 17W and 390S. However I'm using the open boundary conditions correctly. but when I put snx= 148, sny=196, nsx=2, sny=2, npx=1 and, npy=1, The error messages are as follows:  ** WARNING ** INI_MODEL_IO: use tiled-files to write sections (for OBCS)S/R OBCS_CHECK: Inside Mask and OB locations disagree : from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  1) expects OBS=   17 @ i=    1 from insideMask (bi,bj=  2,  1) expects OBS=   94 @ i=  148 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   60 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   61 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   62 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   63 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   64 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   65 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   66 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   67 from insideMask (bi,bj=  1,  2) expects OBN=  197 @ i=   68OBCS_CHECK:    11 errors in OB location vs MaskS/R ALL_PROC_DIE: ending the run And when I put snx= 148, sny=196, nsx=1, sny=1, npx=2 and, npy=2 Now the error messages change as follows: STOP ABNORMAL END: S/R OBCS_CHECKSTOP ABNORMAL END: S/R OBCS_CHECKSTOP STOP ABNORMAL END: S/R OBCS_CHECKABNORMAL END: S/R OBCS_CHECK I Would be grateful for any help about  these errors to fix them. Regards,Rahele
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