[MITgcm-support] Running a test in parallel

Luis Cebamanos l.cebamanos at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri Feb 3 13:53:21 EST 2017

Hi all,

I am totally new to MITgcm, so apologies if I say any  nonsense. I m
trying to run a test in parallel,so I started with
global_ocean.90x40x15. I changed the SIZE.h to run on 4 mpi processes
and built it successfully. Now, I am working on a Cray system, meaning
that it has to be run on a different location. So I copied over to the
right place /work/MITgcm/ the following directories from


I then created the directory /work/MITgcm/run and run the following:
ln -s ../input/* .
ln -s ../mitgcmuv .

My script calls MITgcm:

aprun -n 4 -N 4 -d 1 ./mitgcmuv

It appears to start running properly but soon fails with the following

lib-4016 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  A READ operation tried to read a nonexistent record (721).

Encountered during a direct access unformatted READ from unit 9
Fortran unit 9 is connected to a direct unformatted unblocked file:

lib-4016 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  A READ operation tried to read a nonexistent record (730).

lib-4016 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  A READ operation tried to read a nonexistent record (370).

Could someone please help me to run a simple test case ?


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