[MITgcm-support] flt_example

Menemenlis, Dimitris (329C) Dimitris.Menemenlis at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 22 10:30:20 EDT 2017

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On Aug 22, 2017, at 1:46 AM, rahele shafiee <rahele_shafiee at yahoo.com<mailto:rahele_shafiee at yahoo.com>> wrote:

HI   Dimitris  .

I am a  MITgcm user.

It's been a few days that I can not post messege to the site MITgcm.Thanks if you help me.

I'm running the “flt_example” test case in the MITgcm. I'm very confused and there is no explanation about this test case in the manule. I have some questions. Thanks for helping me.

1- If  nsx=nsy=2 selected, four outputs are created (e.g. float_traject.data, floar_profiles.data , …). How can I get these outputs in a file and have an output  “profile” and an output “traject” . I used the following:

python gluemncbig -o a.data  float_profiles.001.0000*

But the following error was given:

  File "gluemncbig", line 1206, in <module>

    raise IOError('No files matching {0}', globpatt)

IOError: [Errno No files matching {0}] float_profiles.001.0000*

This command runs error-free for the NETCDF files.

2- How to choose the parametric “flt_noise”?

3- How to design an ” flt_file” input file for  my domain floats? Does this file determine the coordinates of the floats? This file is presented “flt_ini_pos.bin” in the  test case and there are 2539 record in it.

4- In the outputs, the file float_profiles.meta  is presented as follows:

nDims = [   3 ];

 dimList = [

     1,    1,    1,

     1,    1,    1,

    41,    1,   41


 dataprec = [ 'float32' ];

 nrecords = [   141 ];

 timeStepNumber = [         18 ];

What does the number 41 and the 141  number of nrecords  mean?

And the file is presented as follows:

nDims = [   3 ];

 dimList = [

     1,    1,    1,

     1,    1,    1,

    13,    1,   13


 dataprec = [ 'float32' ];

 nrecords = [   421 ];

 timeStepNumber = [         18 ];

What does the number 13 and the 421  number of nrecords  mean?

I apologize for asking my questions. I'm really confused.

Thanks ����� 

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