[MITgcm-support] Using the "gencost" and "genctrl" approach for adjoint sensitivities

Dan Jones dcjones.work at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 06:49:04 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I have some questions about using "gencost" and "genctrl".  To be concrete,
I'll pick a specific example below.  In this example, I am *not* generating
a state estimate - I am interested in examining the gradients themselves
(i.e. \partial J / \partial x, where J is the cost function and x is some
control variable).

I would like to start with an up-to-date verification exercise
(MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/global_oce_biogeo_bling).  I want to
modify this setup such that:

- The cost function is the value of one of the tracer fields, at a location
specified at run-time, averaged over the last 'x' seconds
- The cost function should *not* include any contributions from "profiles";
how do I turn off those parts entirely?  Does just dropping the package
from the packages.conf list work?
- The controls include physical variables (e.g. u, v, T, S) *and* tracer
fields (e.g. DIC)

How do I need to modify the headers/source code to specify this?  I am
using TAF to generate the adjoint code.

I have looked at the comments in the header files, but as this approach is
new I am feeling a bit uncertain about it.  Any help/clarification is very
much appreciated!

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