[MITgcm-support] sea ice diagnostics

Georgy Manucharayan gmanuch at caltech.edu
Thu Sep 8 12:41:38 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm interested in outputting the dynamic/rheology diagnostics for the 
sea ice package; in particular, the force F in the ice momentum 
equations. As I understand one can calculate it as a divergence of 
stress tensor, in which case I'd like to output the stress tensor 
components (sigma11,sigma12,sigma22). The default outputs only its 
principle components (sigI, sigII) and I'm not sure if this is 
sufficient to calculate the force vector. Eqns. (5,6) in Hibler 1979 
paper provide a recipe for calculating F based on strain rates, 
viscosities, and pressure; however, I would like to have an output of F 
exactly as it is used in the model (i.e. consistent  with the used 
numerical scheme).

To create the user defined diagnostic I need to know which variable 
names in the code denote F and sigma (and also a term -mg gradH if there 
is one). I guess that those might be FORCEX, FORCEY, sig1,sig2,sig12 but 
can someone confirm this?

Also is SIpress the same as P (pressure) in ice momentum equations?


Georgy Manucharyan,
Stanback Postdoctoral Scholar,
Environmental Science and Engineering,
California Institute of Technology,
MS 131-24, 1200 California Blvd,
Pasadena, CA, 91125

Office: L+R, Room 226; Tel: (626) 395-8715
Web: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~gmanuch

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