[MITgcm-support] About pickup

Martin Losch martin.losch at awi.de
Thu Sep 8 10:48:13 EDT 2016

Dear Elisabei,

this is not a problem with the pickup files, but with the forcing files. You need to have “enough” time slices in your forcing files that can be read and the error message says that it tried to read past the end of the OBE_U_1982_2014.bin file, meaning that there are not enough records for daily forcing in this file. The name of this file suggests to me that you are using open boundary conditions as well. 
The problem with using externalForcingPeriod etc. is that this applies to all fields that are read from a file, surface forcing and also lateral boundary condiotions. Using the exf-package gives you more flexibility, because you can (and have to) specify the “forcingPeriod” for each of your forcing and boundary files individually. See the documenation for more details <http://mitgcm.org/public/r2_manual/latest/online_documents/node246.html> or some examples in the verification folder, e.g. global_ocean.cs32x15, global_with_exf, lab_sea, offline_exf_seaice, seaice_obcs

> On 08 Sep 2016, at 07:21, elisabei <elisabei at aliyun.com> wrote:
> Dear:
>   I have a problem about the use of pickup file.
> First step:I run the mitgcm using the monthly climatology initial fields and external forcing fields  about 10 years to get the stable model.
> the data file show follow
>  startTime=0,
>  endTime=311040000,
>  deltaTmom=60.0,
>  deltaTtracer=240.0,
>  deltaTClock =1200.0,
>  pChkptFreq=31104000.,
>  dumpFreq=259200.0,
>  tauThetaClimRelax=864000.0,
>  tauSaltClimRelax=864000.0,
>  periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
>  externForcingPeriod=259200.,
>  externForcingCycle=373248000.,
>  zonalWindFile='dasilva_taux_12y.bin',
>  meridWindFile='dasilva_tauy_12y.bin',
>  thetaClimFile='lev_monthly_12y.bin',
>  saltClimFile='lev_monthly_12y.bin',
> Second step:I run the model using the really daily external forcing fields about 2 years to simulate the real ocean dynamical field. 
> the data file show follow
>  startTime=311040000,
>  endTime=373248000,
>  deltaTmom=60.0,
>  deltaTtracer=240.0,
>  deltaTClock =1200.0,
>  pChkptFreq=259200.,
>  dumpFreq=86400.0,
>  tauThetaClimRelax=864000.0,
>  tauSaltClimRelax=864000.0,
>  periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
>  externForcingPeriod=86400.,
>  externForcingCycle=373248000.,
>  zonalWindFile='dasilva_taux_12y.bin',
>  meridWindFile='dasilva_tauy_12y.bin',
>  thetaClimFile='lev_monthly_12y.bin',
>  saltClimFile='lev_monthly_12y.bin',
> When I run the model at second step,the program prompt error "PGFIO-F-253/unformatted read/unit=9/attempt to read non-existent record (direct access).
>  File name = OBE_U_1982_2014.bin    unformatted, direct access   record = 7084480 In source file mdsio_slice.f, at line number 3037".
> I think the reason caused it is the change of the "externForcingPeriod" .
> So would you like to tell me how can I do to solve the problem?
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