[MITgcm-support] KPP and zref with fine resolution vertical grid

Hazel, Julia jhazel at atmos.ucla.edu
Wed Oct 19 20:00:16 EDT 2016

I have a question about using KPP and zref with a vertical grid that has a resolution of thickness <2m in the vertical.  In the MITgcm manual, the KPP routine KPP_CALC states that for such vertical grids, the calculation of the surface reference depth should be epsilon/2*zgrid(k).

I wanted to ask if this means that the KPP routine needs to be modified in the zref calculation. The KPP_calc routine is rather comprehensive and I’m wary about changing that code.

I’m getting anomalously high temperatures in my model runs at the surface and I’m wondering if the boundary layer depth based on the zref calculation in KPP could be causing this.

Thank you-
Julia Hazel

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