[MITgcm-support] Reading data

Eric Firing efiring at hawaii.edu
Tue Feb 23 10:33:39 EST 2016

On 2016/02/23 1:26 AM, Alejandro Jiménez Rico wrote:
> Now I am trying to play with salinity and temperature values in the
> forced boundary internal waves model. But I don't completely understand
> the values that are showed in the data file. What that "20*35" means?
> How I change the vertical profile of salinity and temperature?

The "sRef=20*35" in input/data means "fill the sRef array with 20 values 
of 35".  sRef is the relaxation salinity profile. In the example, 
however, a linear equation of state is being used with the coefficient 
of saline expansion, sBeta, being zero, so the salinity doesn't matter 
dynamically.  A relaxation temperature profile is specified via the Tref 
array in data.  The initial temperature distribution as a function of 
depth and horizontal coordinate is being written to a file, T.init, by 
input/gendata.m, and input/data is specifying that file to be read by 
the model when it starts.  Your simplest starting point is therefore to 
change Tref in input/data, and the contents of T.init, which is 
double-precision, big-endian (that is, *not* native byte order), and 
with Fortran ordering of the dimensions (row index increases fastest).


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