[MITgcm-support] data.cpl for ocn/aim_v23/thsice coupled run

Alexandre Pohl alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
Fri Dec 9 04:03:36 EST 2016

Dear all,

I recently updated the code of the MITgcm and discovered the current version of the 'data.cpl' file:

   runOffMapSize = 3644,
   runOffMapFile = 'runOff_cs32_3644.bin',
   cpl_sequential      = 0,
   cpl_exchange_RunOff = 2,
   cpl_exchange1W_sIce = 3,
   cpl_exchange2W_sIce = 0,
   cpl_exchange_SaltPl = 0,
   cpl_exchange_DIC    = 0,

I am running a coupled configuration of the model (ocn, aim_v23, thsice), so I copied the set of parameters used in the 'cpl_aim+ocn' verification case (see above). However, some of these choices are not obvious to me.
Could anyone confirm that these parameters are correct for this kind of coupled run ?

Thank you,


Alexandre POHL, PhD
Email: pohl.alexandre at gmail.com
Personal website: https://alexandrepohl.org

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