[MITgcm-support] body force

guopu at scsio.ac.cn guopu at scsio.ac.cn
Wed Nov 4 17:22:31 EST 2015

Hello everyone,

I am trying to give tidal forcing to a 2D domain to generate internal tides. Beside prescribing currents on the open boundary, one way I found is to add forcing term to 'gU' in file 'external_forcing.F', which has been mentioned by past mails. So I add these codes into 'external_forcing.F' to generate M2 tide:

  Do j=0, sNy+1

    Do I=1, sNx+1

        gU(i, j, kLev, bi, bj) = gU(i, j, kLev, bi, bj)

&          +0.06*0.00014*cos(0.00014*myTime)



I use this file to force a rest, plat (2500 m depth and no walls at east and west boundaries) 2D domain. I thought the velocity all over the domain would vary sinusoidally with amplitude 0.06 m/s. However, the variation is really sinusoidal but the amplitude is varied.

Who can tell me what is my fault? By the way, in some past mails someone mentioned that RBCS package can give tidal forcing to the domain. Who know how to do this? or is it better or easier than body force?  I appreciate any help. Thanks.



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