[MITgcm-support] Smagorinsky viscosity

Malte Jansen mfj at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 12 07:03:24 EDT 2015

Hi all,

Can anybody give me (or point me to) a brief update on the Smagorinsky viscosity implementation? The documentation seems to say that the vertical component of the Smagorinsky viscosity has not yet been implemented. Is that still true? 

I also found an old post stating that Smag does not yet work at all for the non-hydrostatic version. Is that still true?

There now also is a Smag3D. Is there any documentation for that? Do I see it correctly that Smag3D is fully isotropic (and thus probably not recommended if the model grid is anisotropic)?

I am running a non-hydrostatic model with non-isotropic grid. So my question is basically if there is an existing implementation of the Smagorinsky viscosity that should be adequate?


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