[MITgcm-support] Diagnostics output on Nr+1 levels

Roland Young young at atm.ox.ac.uk
Fri Feb 6 09:14:30 EST 2015


I have a quantity defined on all cell faces, i.e. at Nr+1 vertical 
levels. I want to output this as a diagnostic. However, as far as I can 
tell there is no option to output Nr+1 levels via diagCode (Table 7.1 
parse(10) in the documentation). Currently I have it set to output two 
diagnostics, one with the first Nr levels and the second with the top 
level, but this is rather unsatisfactory. Is there a straightforward way 
to do this via the parsing code? I suppose it could be done by using 
code L with some editing of diagnostics_set_levels.F.


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