[MITgcm-support] a problem in compiling MITgcm using intel compiler
Yu Zhang
yusophie.zhang at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 05:26:17 EDT 2015
Dear All,
I right now have a very weird problem in compiling MITgcm. I am using
build_option profile linux_amd64_ifort11 with openmpi-intel compiler. The
message following running genmake command is as follows:
[zhangyu at polaris build]$ /lustre/home/zhangyu/MITgcm/tools/genmake2
-mods=/lustre/home/zhangyu/MITgcm/verification/front_relax/code -mpi -of
A program for GENerating MAKEfiles for the MITgcm project.
For a quick list of options, use "genmake2 -h"
or for more detail see the Developer's HOWTO manual at:
=== Processing options files and arguments ===
getting local config information: none found
Warning: ROOTDIR was not specified ; try using a local copy of MITgcm found
at "../../.."
getting OPTFILE information:
getting AD_OPTFILE information:
using AD_OPTFILE="../../../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default"
check makedepend (local: 0, system: 0, 0)
Turning on MPI cpp macros
=== Checking system libraries ===
Do we have the system() command using mpif77... yes
Do we have the fdate() command using mpif77... yes
Do we have the etime() command using mpif77... yes
Can we call simple C routines (here, "cloc()") using mpif77... no
Can we unlimit the stack size using mpif77... no
Can we register a signal handler using mpif77... no
Can we use stat() through C calls... no
Can we create NetCDF-enabled binaries... no
Can we create LAPACK-enabled binaries... no
Can we call FLUSH intrinsic subroutine... yes
=== Setting defaults ===
Adding MODS directories:
Making source files in eesupp from templates
Making source files in pkg/exch2 from templates
Making source files in pkg/regrid from templates
=== Determining package settings ===
getting package dependency info from ../../../pkg/pkg_depend
getting package groups info from ../../../pkg/pkg_groups
checking list of packages to compile:
before group expansion packages are: gfd gmredi diagnostics
replacing "gfd" with: mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor
after group expansion packages are: mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor gmredi diagnostics
applying DISABLE settings
applying ENABLE settings
packages are: debug diagnostics generic_advdiff gmredi mdsio
mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw
applying package dependency rules
packages are: debug diagnostics generic_advdiff gmredi mdsio
mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw
Adding STANDARDDIRS='eesupp model'
Searching for *OPTIONS.h files in order to warn about the presence
of "#define "-type statements that are no longer allowed:
found CPP_EEOPTIONS="../../../eesupp/inc/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
found CPP_OPTIONS="../../../model/inc/CPP_OPTIONS.h"
Creating the list of files for the adjoint compiler.
=== Creating the Makefile ===
setting INCLUDES
Determining the list of source and include files
Writing makefile: Makefile
Add the source list for AD code generation
Making list of "exceptions" that need ".p" files
Making list of NOOPTFILES
Add rules for links
Adding makedepend marker
=== Done ===
Interesting thing is I can find mpif77 and mpicc using "which" command.
What is more interesting is when on a different computer (MAC or windows)
and logged onto the same account on the same cluster, the genmake step goes
smoothly without those annoying nos. I have no idea what's wrong here, do
you guys have any clue? Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards,
Yu (Sophie) Zhang
Key laboratory of Physical Oceanography (POL)
Ocean University of China
Office phone number: 011-86-532-82032071
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