[MITgcm-support] Flt package -- pickup files

Ewa Karczewska ekk29 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Oct 29 10:44:07 EDT 2014

Dear all,

Flt package produces pickup files: pickup_flt.ckptA.xxx.xxx.data which 
are used for the restart at each time step. I would like to use the 
floats' position /pickup_flt / files generated by one of the model runs 
for another run.

The problem is (I think) that the tiled files are only read when 
nIter0>0, but I would like to start the run (nIter=0) from the pickup 
file. (flt_init_varia.F)

Is there an easy way of doing it?

At nIter0=0 the directory for the /pickup_flt / files is generated which 
wipes out the /pickup_flt / files I would like to use. (MDS_READVEC_LOC.F)
I've tried putting the /pickup_flt /files separately, but the model 
searches for it in the specific directory (f_out0000/):

(PID.TID 0000.0001) *** ERROR *** S/R MDS_READVEC_LOC: 
file=f_out0000/pickup_flt.ckptA.001.001.data not found

How can I specify a place where the /pickup_flt/ files are stored and 
they should be used for initialisation of the simulation?


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