[MITgcm-support] coldstart option for m1qn3

Daniel Goldberg dngoldberg at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 07:36:49 EDT 2014

Hi All

I have not used the coldstart option before with optim_m1qn3, as I was not
sure exactly what it does. My thought is that the executable (optim.x) is
called as if it is being called for the first time, forgetting any previous
iterates -- i.e. it is as if all input files were updated with the relevant
controls (e.g. xx_genarr2d_**), and the optimisation process were started
again with "optimcycle=0", and i would be free to change parameters such as
"nupdate". (presumable fmin would need to be updated as well.)

Is this indeed the case, or does coldstart do something different when
applied to m1qn3?

Many thanks


Daniel Goldberg, PhD
Lecturer in Glaciology
School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
Geography Building, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP

em: D <dgoldber at mit.edu>an.Goldberg at ed.ac.uk
web: http://ocean.mit.edu/~dgoldberg
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