[MITgcm-support] Problem of Parallel Processing

连展 lianzhan at fio.org.cn
Sat Mar 29 10:00:16 EDT 2014

Hi there

Does anyone have the experience of run the massively parallel computing with MITgcm, like hundreds of processes? 

I just read the manual, and I have two problems about this.

The first is: we can make one process is allocated to only 1 tile, or we can make several titles computed in one process. So what is the principle for the decomposition? I mean, how different it will be if we make "sNx=100, sNy=100, nSx=1, nSy=1, nPx=100, nPy=100" or "sNx=10, sNy=10, nSx=10, nSy=10, nPx=100, nPy=100"?

The second question is: If we decompose a domain with land and sea, there may be some tiles which is totally land. If we were running an ocean model, what would happen if the 100% land tile is allocated to a process? If the process has only one tile to be computed, would this process do nothing but waiting or this tile will be excluded from the computation(like Fig 4.4 in the manual, the blanked tiles) and the process will get a new tile automatically?

Thanks very much!!!


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