[MITgcm-support] Run-time errors on Archer

Dan Jones dcjones.work at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 08:12:23 EST 2014


I am having trouble getting MITgcm to run on Archer.  I am using the Intel
compiler ( with the following defines/flags in the build options

LIBS='-L${CRAY_MPICH2_DIR}/lib -L${HDF5_DIR}/lib -L$NETCDF_DIR/lib -lnetcdf
-lnetcdff  -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl'
INCLUDES='-I${CRAY_MPICH2_DIR}/include -I${HDF5_DIR}/include
FFLAGS='-h byteswapio -assume byterecl -convert big_endian -heap-arrays -O2
-g -traceback'

The code compiles with no errors, but it does not run.  The code crashes
with the error:


with no other information.  The initial theta file is fine and has been
used successfully in other MITgcm model setups.  When I turn on the
debugger (i.e. set debugMode=.TRUE. in input/eedata and set the
debugLevel=4 in input/data), I get a *different* error that appears to
occur in an *earlier* part of the code.  The code crashes as it tries to
read in the bathymetry file:

forrtl: error (63): output conversion error, unit -5, file Internal
Formatted Write

Image              PC                Routine            Line
mitgcmuv    00000000023CCCBC  print_maprs_         4981  print.f
mitgcmuv    000000000297FD81   plot_field_xyrs_       1841  plot_field.f
mitgcmuv    000000000276CDC2  ini_depths_           3271  ini_depths.f
mitgcmuv    0000000002932628   initialise_fixed_      1908
mitgcmuv    0000000002B03175   the_model_main       3052  the_model_main.f
mitgcmuv    00000000023A38F1   MAIN__           4407  main.f

Again, the bathymetry file is fine and has been used successfully before.
The problem indicated above in ini_depths.f happens in this function:

        CALL PRINT_LIST_I( OB_Jnorth, 1, OBNS_Nx, INDEX_I,
    &                    .FALSE., .TRUE., standardMessageUnit )

I can suppress the output conversion error by re-compiling with a -check
nooutput_conversion flag, but the code quickly produces a segmentation
fault at about the same place (ini_depths.f and the functions that call it):

forrtl: severe (194): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

mitgcmuv           00000000006FFAE7  print_maprs_             4982  print.f
mitgcmuv           00000000007950D3  plot_field_xyrs_         1841
mitgcmuv           0000000000760811  ini_depths_              3271
mitgcmuv           000000000078699A  initialise_fixed_        1908
mitgcmuv           00000000007AFA93  the_model_main_          3052
mitgcmuv           00000000006F5C41  MAIN__                   4407  main.f

The fact that turning on the debugger produces an error *earlier* in the
code is the most interesting/distressing bit here.  Is this an I/O issue?
Has anyone else run into something like this?  I have contacted the Archer
support team, but I thought it would be worth asking around here as well.

Many thanks,


Dr Dan Jones
Open Oceans Group
British Antarctic Survey
Cambridge, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1223 221505
Fax: +44 (0)1223 362616

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