[MITgcm-support] using low resolution spin up as input to a high resolution model

Dimitris Menemenlis dmenemenlis at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 10:01:24 EDT 2014

... or, given that you are changing resolution and that the tendency terms are likely to be either irrelevant
(and even potentially problematic), you could just initialize model with:

input file "data"

# Input datasets
 bathyFile      = ... ,
 hydrogThetaFile= ...,'
 hydrogSaltFile = ...,
 uVelInitFile   = ...,
 vVelInitFile   = ...,
 pSurfInitFile  = ...,

input file "data.seaice"

# SEAICE parameters
      AreaFile           = '...,
      HsnowFile          = '...,
      HsaltFile          = ...,
      HeffFile           = ...,
      UiceFile           = ...,
      ViceFile           = ...,

On Jun 13, 2014, at 6:23 AM, Martin Losch <Martin.Losch at awi.de> wrote:

> Hi Jonny,
> if you can live with pickup files that are NOT in netcdf format (mnc_read_pickup = .false.) then you can simply provide one global pickup file in MDS-format (the *.data *.meta pairs). A file pickup.??????????.data will be read by any model decomposition. Personally I prefer this method over the netcdf pickups, even when I use netcdf for other output. With “globalFiles = .TRUE.”, or useSingleCPUio = .TRUE., (and mnc_write_pickup=.false.) you’ll even get “global” pickup files directly from the model.
> Martin
> On Jun 13, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Jonny Williams <Jonny.Williams at bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> I am currently trying to work out how I can use a 1000 year long spinup of a 1 degree resolution model as the input to a 0.1 degree equivalent. 
>> Both versions have 48 processors (although clearly I could vary this).
>> I know how to smooth, regrid and impose the new (high resolution) land/sea mask on to my pickup files already.
>> The pickup files are of the form...
>> pickup.0000324000.t040.nc
>> The problem is that processor number 40 (as indicated at the end of the above file name) of the 1 degree model does not spatially correspond to processor number 40 in the 0.1 degree model due to the different processor decomposition.
>> One way round this would be to 'glue' the pickup files together into a global field (using the gluemncbig script) BUT then I will surely have to 'unglue' the resulting global field together in order to use it as a restart for the 0.1 model!
>> Does anyone have experience of this kind of issue? Presumably I am not the first to want to do this kind of thing?...
>> Many thanks for your time!!
>> Jonny

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