[MITgcm-support] cubeSphereExchange and MPI error?

Anthony Coletti ajcolett at geo.umass.edu
Wed Jul 9 09:05:46 EDT 2014

Thanks Jean-Michel. I'll take a look at my data file. 

> On Jul 9, 2014, at 8:53 AM, Jean-Michel Campin <jmc at ocean.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> likely that there is something not right in your main parameter file "data".
> Cheers,
> Jean-Michel
>> On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 03:13:08PM -0400, Anthony Coletti wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Michel,
>> I have realized I made the mistake of not specifying -mods=../code in my batch script.  That could be why none of my packages installed - so you are correct in mentioning that.  Thank you.   Unfortunately another error has popped up and the model still crashes after ~6 seconds:
>> ModuleCmd_Switch.c(172):ERROR:152: Module 'PrgEnv-cray' is currently not loaded
>> At line 2825 of file ini_parms.f (unit = 11, file = '/lustre/medusa/acoletti/gfortrantm
>> pLb7lfy')
>> Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name .
>> At line 2825 of file ini_parms.f (unit = 11, file = '/lustre/medusa/acoletti/gfortrantm
>> p0SUaGP')
>> Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name .
>> At line 2825 of file ini_parms.f (unit = 11, file = '/lustre/medusa/acoletti/gfortrantm
>> pjDleuD')
>> Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name .
>> At line 2825 of file ini_parms.f (unit = 11, file = '/lustre/medusa/acoletti/gfortrantm
>> p0mWCfy')
>> There are 20 (or so) more lines of this error each specifying a different gfortran tmp file.
>> Here is line 2825 of my ini_parms.f file.  I think it is having a problem with PARM03 in the 'data' file?  I am not completely familiar with fortran so I am not sure what namelist object it is referring to:
>> 816 C--   Time stepping parameters
>> 2817       rCD               = -1.D0
>> 2818       epsAB_CD          = UNSET_RL
>> 2819       latBandClimRelax  = UNSET_RL
>> 2820       deltaTtracer      = 0.D0
>> 2821       forcing_In_AB     = .TRUE.
>> 2822       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' INI_PARMS ; starts to read PARM03'
>> 2823       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
>> 2824      &                    SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid )
>> 2825       READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=PARM03) !,IOSTAT=errIO)
>> 2826       IF ( errIO .LT. 0 ) THEN
>> 2827        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
>> 2828      &  'S/R INI_PARMS: Error reading model parameter file "data"'
>> 2829        CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
>> 2830        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'S/R INI_PARMS: Problem in namelist PARM03'
>> 2831        CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
>> 2833       ELSE
>> 2834        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' INI_PARMS ; read PARM03 : OK'
>> 2835        CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
>> 2836      &                     SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid )
>> 2837       ENDIF
>> Anthony
>> Anthony J. Coletti
>> Climate System Research Center
>> Department of Geosciences
>> Morrill Building
>> 611 N. Pleasant Street
>> 233 Morrill Science Center
>> University of Massachusetts-Amherst
>> paleoclimate.org
>> Email: ajcolett at geo.umass.edu
>> http://blogs.umass.edu/ajcolett/
>> http://necsc.umass.edu/people/anthony-coletti
>> “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the  suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
>>> On Jul 8, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Anthony Coletti <ajcolett at geo.umass.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Jean-Michel,
>>> Let’s start with the exch2 problem,
>>> So I check the PACKAGES_CONFIG.h and it seems you are right..for some reason, exch2 is undef
>>> Here is the copy of my PACKAGES_CONFIG.h file:
>>> reated by convert_cpp_cmd2defines with the following command line arguments:
>>> */
>>> /*  Disabled packages:  */
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ADMTLM
>>> #undef  ALLOW_AIM_V23
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ATM2D
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ATM_COMMON
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ATM_PHYS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_AUTODIFF
>>> #undef  ALLOW_BBL
>>> #undef  ALLOW_BULK_FORCE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CAL
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CD_CODE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CFC
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CHEAPAML
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CHRONOS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_COST
>>> #undef  ALLOW_CTRL
>>> #undef  ALLOW_DIC
>>> #undef  ALLOW_DOWN_SLOPE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_EBM
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ECCO
>>> #undef  ALLOW_EXCH2
>>> #undef  ALLOW_EXF
>>> #undef  ALLOW_FIZHI
>>> #undef  ALLOW_FLT
>>> #undef  ALLOW_FRAZIL
>>> #undef  ALLOW_GCHEM
>>> #undef  ALLOW_GGL90
>>> #undef  ALLOW_GMREDI
>>> #undef  ALLOW_GRDCHK
>>> #undef  ALLOW_GRIDALT
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ICEFRONT
>>> #undef  ALLOW_KPP
>>> #undef  ALLOW_LAND
>>> #undef  ALLOW_LAYERS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_LONGSTEP
>>> #undef  ALLOW_MATRIX
>>> #undef  ALLOW_MNC
>>> #undef  ALLOW_MY82
>>> #undef  ALLOW_OBCS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_OFFLINE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_OPENAD
>>> #undef  ALLOW_OPPS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_PP81
>>> #undef  ALLOW_PROFILES
>>> #undef  ALLOW_PTRACERS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_RBCS
>>> #undef  ALLOW_REGRID
>>> #undef  ALLOW_RUNCLOCK
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SALT_PLUME
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SBO
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SEAICE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SHAP_FILT
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SHELFICE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SMOOTH
>>> #undef  ALLOW_SPHERE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_THSICE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_TIMEAVE
>>> #undef  ALLOW_ZONAL_FILT
>>> /*   */
>>> /*  Enabled packages:  */
>>> #define ALLOW_DEBUG
>>> #define ALLOW_MDSIO
>>> #define ALLOW_MOM_COMMON
>>> #define ALLOW_MOM_VECINV
>>> #define ALLOW_MONITOR
>>> #define ALLOW_RW
>>> #endif /* PACKAGES_CONFIG_H */
>>> I wonder why that would be considering I have the packages to install listed in my packages.config file.
>>> This is the command I use for compiling the GCM which seems correct:
>>> ../../../tools/genmake2 -optfile=../../../tools/build_options/linux_amd64_gfortran -mpi
>>> And here is some lines from genmake2:
>>> ===  Processing options files and arguments  ===
>>>  getting local config information:  none found
>>> Warning: ROOTDIR was not specified ; try using a local copy of MITgcm found at "../../.."
>>>  getting OPTFILE information:
>>>    using OPTFILE="../../../tools/build_options/linux_amd64_gfortran"
>>>  getting AD_OPTFILE information:
>>>    using AD_OPTFILE="../../../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default"
>>>  check makedepend (local: 0, system: 0, 0)
>>>  Turning on MPI cpp macros
>>> ===  Checking system libraries  ===
>>>  Do we have the system() command using gfortran...  yes
>>>  Do we have the fdate() command using gfortran...  yes
>>>  Do we have the etime() command using gfortran...  no
>>>  Can we call simple C routines (here, "cloc()") using gfortran...  yes
>>>  Can we unlimit the stack size using gfortran...  yes
>>>  Can we register a signal handler using gfortran...  yes
>>>  Can we use stat() through C calls...  yes
>>>  Can we create NetCDF-enabled binaries...  yes
>>>  Can we create LAPACK-enabled binaries...  no
>>>  Can we call FLUSH intrinsic subroutine...  yes
>>> ===  Setting defaults  ===
>>>  Adding MODS directories: 
>>>  Making source files in eesupp from templates
>>>  Making source files in pkg/exch2 from templates
>>>  Making source files in pkg/regrid from templates
>>> ===  Determining package settings  ===
>>>  getting package dependency info from  ../../../pkg/pkg_depend
>>>  getting package groups info from      ../../../pkg/pkg_groups
>>>  checking list of packages to compile:
>>>    before group expansion packages are: default_pkg_list
>>>    replacing "default_pkg_list" with:  gfd
>>>    replacing "gfd" with:  mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor
>>>    after group expansion packages are:  mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor
>>>  applying DISABLE settings
>>>  applying ENABLE settings
>>>    packages are:  debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw
>>>  applying package dependency rules
>>>    packages are:  debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw
>>>  Adding STANDARDDIRS='eesupp model'
>>>  Searching for *OPTIONS.h files in order to warn about the presence
>>>    of "#define "-type statements that are no longer allowed:
>>>    found CPP_EEOPTIONS="../../../eesupp/inc/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
>>>    found CPP_OPTIONS="../../../model/inc/CPP_OPTIONS.h"
>>>  Creating the list of files for the adjoint compiler.
>>> ===  Creating the Makefile  ===
>>>  setting INCLUDES
>>>  Determining the list of source and include files
>>>  Writing makefile: Makefile
>>>  Add the source list for AD code generation
>>>  Making list of "exceptions" that need ".p" files
>>>  Making list of NOOPTFILES
>>>  Add rules for links
>>>  Adding makedepend marker
>>> FYI: I am building a simulation using the 32x6x32x15 MPI run.
>>> The makefile looks okay…it seems to be making the dependencies.  I do have 2 or 3 sets of this warning:
>>> gfortran -fconvert=big-endian -fimplicit-none -mcmodel=medium  -O0 -funroll-loops -c solve_tridiagonal.f
>>> cat solve_uv_tridiago.F |  cpp -traditional -P -DWORDLENGTH=4 -DNML_TERMINATOR -DALLOW_USE_MPI -DALWAYS_USE_MPI -DALLOW_USE_MPI -DHAVE_SYSTEM -DHAVE_FDATE -DHAVE_CLOC -DHAVE_SETRLSTK -DHAVE_SIGREG -DHAVE_STAT -DHAVE_NETCDF -DHAVE_FLUSH  -I/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.1/GNU/48/include -I/opt/cray/mpt/6.3.0/gni/mpich2-gnu/48/include | ../../../tools/set64bitConst.sh  > solve_uv_tridiago.f
>>> gfortran -fconvert=big-endian -fimplicit-none -mcmodel=medium  -O0 -funroll-loops -c solve_uv_tridiago.f
>>> solve_uv_tridiago.f:1076.72:
>>>          DO bj=2,nSy                                                   
>>>                                                                        1
>>> Warning: DO loop at (1) will be executed zero times
>>> solve_uv_tridiago.f:1103.24:
>>>          DO bj=nSy-1,1,-1                                              
>>>                        1
>>> Warning: DO loop at (1) will be executed zero times
>>> I am not sure if that means anything.
>>> Attached is my ini_threading_environment.f (small f)
>>> <ini_threading_environment.f>
>>> Thanks for your fruitful insight!
>>> Anthony
>>> Anthony J. Coletti
>>> Climate System Research Center
>>> Department of Geosciences
>>> Morrill Building
>>> 611 N. Pleasant Street
>>> 233 Morrill Science Center
>>> University of Massachusetts-Amherst
>>> paleoclimate.org
>>> Email: ajcolett at geo.umass.edu
>>> http://blogs.umass.edu/ajcolett/
>>> http://necsc.umass.edu/people/anthony-coletti
>>> “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the  suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
>>>> On Jul 7, 2014, at 11:30 PM, Jean-Michel Campin <jmc at ocean.mit.edu> wrote:
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