[MITgcm-support] question about run with mpi and no-mpi outputs

李志远 oceanlizy at 163.com
Thu Jan 2 01:08:39 EST 2014

From: lizhiyuan <oceanlizy at 163.com>
>To: MITgcm <mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org>
>Subject:question about run with mpi  and no-mpi  outputs

dear all ;
    I have some questions about the parallel run outputs . when I run the model without mpi , I get the outputs ,such as : 
Depth.001.001.data ,  Depth.001.001.meta ,
    and I can read the data file by rdmds.m . But when I use mpi run the model ,with npx=2,npy=3 in my size.h file . I get the output : 
Depth.001.001.data,Depth.001.001.meta ,

I read these datas by the rdmds.m file as before ,.but I find the depth I get is not the same depth as with no-mpi case ,even though all the input files in mpi case and no-mpi case are same . worse more , in the no-mpi case , the output 'Depth' I get is the same with my input file"topog.bin",this means the model read the bathymetry file correctly as I told .but in mpi case , the output 'Depth'  I get is not my input file "topog.bin" , which means the model read the wrong bathymetry  some how   . It is so strange,is not it ?
By the way ,what is the meaning of the first "001" in 'Depth.001.001‘ ,and the second "001" ??
your quick reply will be great appreciated .
best regards!
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